We highly recommend parents listen to this podcast:
Our Home Worship Video Resource will be premiering tomorrow evening! Be on the look out for the link on our YouTube channel, our phone app, our website, and social media. www.youtube.com/c/triumphintruthmedia
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)
Thought for Today: Friday August 05:
May YHVH divinely motivate you to do what is best for your soul. If it is spring-cleaning, may you clean with a new song in your heart. If it is reading a book, may you find one that rocks your world. If it is sharing what you have learned, may you speak with Elohim’s Passion and Power. And if it is giving, may you give generously and joyfully, believing that Elohim will resupply. Your journey is unique to you. Listen for His Voice and do what He says. YHVH’s Best is your best!
Did ya'll know that I have a band called Aromem ? Tis true. Did ya'll know that we're uploading new worship/music videos every week? Tis also true. And our videos are being brought to you via Rumble and our very own Torah Tube!
Here's our latest video!
#music #worship #nativeamerican
“I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.”
Ecclesiastes 3:14 NKJV
#faith #bible #scripture
I had a mocha from a nice coffee shop the other day. It was so good that it drove me to the internet to figure out how I can get my homemade mochas taste something near decent. After learning some previously unknown steps, my cup is tasting pretty darn good! ☕
Someone noticed wild plums out on a walk. Once the report had been filed the troops were marshaled and said plums are now on their way to becoming jam. ?. #yummyfood
Someone noticed wild plums out on a walk. Once the report had been filed the troops were marshaled and said plums are now on their way to becoming jam. ?. #yummyfood