In Repentance: Turning From Disobedience To Obedience Part One, G. Steven Simons established in the original Hebrew Scriptures that from the garden of Ěḏen through the time of the prophets, Elohim required of His people to have both belief in Him and obedience to His commandments. In this video, G. Steven Simons answers the questions; Does Elohim require, in the New Covenant, both belief in Yeshua and obedience to the commandments or just a mental acknowledgment of Yeshua as Messiah and does the message of repentance continue throughout the Good News accounts and the Writings of the Emissaries or has the message changed? A fascinating study! This message will be made available this evening at 8:30pm CDT (UTC-5).
Our Home Worship Video Resource will be Premiering TONIGHT, 8:30pm CDT (UTC-5). Click the link below to head on over. The message for this week will be part two of the series, "Repentance: Turning From Disobedience To Obedience." In part two, we will search the Good News accounts and the Writings of the Emissaries to determine if obedience to the commandments is still required or if obedience has been removed from our new convent requirements. You can also find the link to the premiere on our website and phone app.
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)