Tent was obliterated in a storm last night I stayed dry in it though Praise Yahh! Underneath this bridge will serve as home for tonight Praise Yahh! Through all things familYahh~ prayers appreciated ? The truth will surface justice will roll forth no matter what rewards and reapings will not be late! Praise Yahh! I'll be singing tonight! Woah Woah Woah!!!
Tent was obliterated in a storm last night I stayed dry in it though Praise Yahh! Underneath this bridge will serve as home for tonight Praise Yahh! Through all things familYahh~ prayers appreciated ? The truth will surface justice will roll forth no matter what rewards and reapings will not be late! Praise Yahh! I'll be singing tonight! Woah Woah Woah!!!
Tent was obliterated in a storm last night I stayed dry in it though Praise Yahh! Underneath this bridge will serve as home for tonight Praise Yahh! Through all things familYahh~ prayers appreciated ? The truth will surface justice will roll forth no matter what rewards and reapings will not be late! Praise Yahh! I'll be singing tonight! Woah Woah Woah!!!
Hey fam, me again.
Asking for continued prayers.
My husband was kicked out of the Canadian armed forces for not getting the vxx
His last day is Aug 9th.. We have no home of our own and he currently doesn't have another job lined up (but is looking) This is VERY new grounds for us as he's been a soldier for 15yrs.
We do not want to go out of the will of the Father but are asking for prayer. We have 3 young kids we need to feed and what not as well.
Thank you for your prayers. Please feel free to share this on other platforms as I am unable to (I removed all social media)
And the works of the flesh are well-known, which are: adultery, whoring, uncleanness, indecency, idolatry, drug sorcery, hatred, quarrels, jealousies, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and the like - of which I forewarn you, even as I also said before, that those who practise such as these shall not inherit the reign of Elohim.
But the fruit of the Ruah is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah.
Why do people continue to hold the Bible up as the definitive authority for life if it is rooted in ancient patriarchy and is inherently unfair to women? That's a valid question. The answer is just as valid, although it may not be what we expect, or what we want to hear.