For if you turn away from following him, he will again abandon them in the wilderness, and you will destroy all this people.
Numbers 32:15
And I will declare my judgments against them, for all their evil in forsaking me. They have made offerings to other gods and worshiped the works of their own hands.
Jeremiah 1:16
If a people turns away from God, they turn toward their own destruction.
End Time focus ramped up worldwide in 1948 with the regathering of the Jews in Israel and has exploded since:
► Regathering of the Jews. (Isaiah 11:10-12) ► Re-establishment of Israel. (Isaiah 66:7-8) ► Arab threat to Israel. (Ezekiel 35 and 36) ► The Times of the Gentiles ending and the remnant/Messianic rising. (Romans 9: 27 & Luke 21:24) ► Increasing instability of nature. (Matthew 24:7 & Luke 21:11) ► Increasing viruses/pestilence/plague. (Luke 21:11) ► Calling evil good and good evil. (2 Timothy 3:3 & Isaiah 5:20) ► Increasing lawlessness and violence. (Matthew 24:12) ► Increasing immorality. (Matthew 24:37) ► Increasing materialism. (2 Timothy 3:2) ► Depraved entertainment. (2 Timothy 3:4) ► Lovers of themselves. (2 Timothy 3:2) ► Increasing despair. (2 Timothy 3:1) ► Signs in the heavens. (Luke 21:11, 25) ► Increasing knowledge. (Daniel 12:4) ► Increasing travel. (Daniel 12:4) ► Increasing apostasy in the church. (2 Timothy 4:3-5) ► Increasing persecution of Believers. (Matthew 24:9 & Romans 1:18-19) ► Increasing occultism/teachings of demons. (1 Timothy 4:1) ► Wars and rumors of wars. (Matthew 24:6) ► Weapons of mass destruction. (Luke 21:26) ► Increasing famine. (Luke 21:11) ► Technology enabling the world to watch an event live. (Revelation 11:8-9) ► Virtual reality. (Revelation 13:14-15) ► Far Eastern military powers. (Revelation 9:16 & 16:12) ► A great delusion over judgments. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12) ► The demise of America making way for a world government. (Daniel 7:23-26)
Credit: Torah4Today
Q50: Which of the following is the correct order of creation as recorded in Genesis?
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
I think Moses understood that Reuben and Gad weren't acting in fear in Numbers 32, but he saw an opportunity for a teachable moment. Many among the other tribes would feel abandoned and threatened by their request to stay East of the Jordan. Moses gave voice to those concerns as if they were his own, surreptitiously addressing both sides with the same words. He bolstered his position of leadership and thereby that of Joshua also. They were leaders who understood their people and would speak on their behalf.
#numbers 32:6-15 #matot
Avoiding what you know needs to be done because you're afraid of failure ensures eventual failure, often worse than what you feared. You can't outrun your fears. They will frequently find you wherever you have run.
#matot Numbers 32:6-15
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