In this video, G. Steven Simons leads us on a walk through the original Hebrew scriptures and shows how obedience to the commands of Elohim was necessary and essential for the ancients, the patriarchs, and the original covenant people to remain in proper relationship with Elohim. In part two, we will search the Good News accounts and the Writings of the Emissaries to determine if obedience to the commandments is still required or if obedience has been removed from our new convent requirements. A fascinating study!
Shabbat shalom!
Shalom: שלום Translation: COMPLETENESS Definition: Something that has been finished or made whole. A state of being complete. KJV Translations: peace, well, peaceable, welfare, prosperity, safe, health Strong's Hebrew #: h.7965 (Jeff Benner's Ancient Hebrew Lexicon)
Joe Pena
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