We are called to make a distinction between what is holy and what is not holy, what is pure and what is not pure, what is clean and what is not clean. Don’t give the enemy a foothold! Be prepared! Stand on TRUTH!
#cornerfringe #danieljoseph #sabbath #sabbathandthemarkofgod #markofgod #torah #christian #scripture #truth #biblestudy #yahweh #setapart #shabbat #enemyofgod
So YHWH said to Moses, "Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him."
Numbers 27:18
The #holyspirit was active long before Pentecost, just like the #torah existed long before Sinai.
Let YHWH, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation!
Numbers 27:16
Good leaders ensure the continuity of national tradition and culture (Numbers 27:17) and they seek out proven and biblical spiritual counsel (Numbers 27:21). #leadership
The scriptures consistently speak of honor and glory as tangible things that can be transferred, spread out, and worn like a garment. I wonder if the bestowing of a mantle was a part of the ceremony of Joshua's commissioning in Numbers 27.
Shalom Chaverim,
We are looking forward to meeting you in Jerusalem for Sukkot !
The campsite of the City of David (https://www.cityofdavid.org.il/en/citycamp) has been a real blessing at Pesach and Shavuot.
We approached the municipality of Jerusalem with a request to support the costs for the big meeting tent.
Please pray with us for a positive response in the near future.
If you like to stay with us at the campsite for the week of Sukkot, please let us know with how many people you are planning to come.
Early Bird Offer:
If you can already commit to a reservation -
We have a limited number of free tents, mats and sleeping bags* -
So compared to renting a tent at the campsite you get:
8 nights / 440 NIS per adult (you save 200 NIS per adult !)
8 nights / 320 NIS per child (you save 200 NIS per child !)
*If you bring your own tent, mattress and sleeping bag you'll save the same amount.
Included in the early bird offer:
Families pay only for up to two children (under 18y).
Food is NOT included.
The campsite provides a few fridges and cooking facilities.
Please bring your own groceries and share as much as you like at the common evening meals.
There is a supermarket nearby, or you can order online.
The “Shuk” market is about an hour to walk.
If you have time to come a week earlier,
you are welcome to join us as we are hoping to hike (“Alia la Regel”) from the Arava to Jerusalem (about 150km distance, 900m elevation difference).
We are planning to walk about 25 km a night in rough terrain, and rest during the day.
If you are interested in that adventure, get in contact with us :)
Hoping to see you soon!
Let’s continue to pray that borders stay open for the Feast.
Blessings to you from Israel!
Chris & Anke
Camp Ephraim
Phone +972 505-2-252-83
Marcia Schnaidt
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