And in that day, declares YHVH, I will cut off your horses from among you and will destroy your chariots...
Micah 5:10
God classes all of the things we prioritize before him together with sorcery and idolatry. If he destroys the things we love instead of destroying us, consider it a favor. He is rescuing us from our self-destruction. Read the rest of Micah 5:10-14.
Consider just this one fact: the word Sabbath appears 107 times in the Old Testament and a surprising 68 times in the New Testament. The “first day” of the week, however, is mentioned only eight times in the New Testament, and “Sunday” does not appear at all. This is a revealing indication about which day was observed then and is still commanded as the proper Sabbath. -YRM- How To Honor The Sabbath.
Applying the concepts and instructions found in the Bible to our lives should not be difficult or tedious. The Creator gives us these instructions to make our lives longer, more productive, more successful and joyous. We should be reading His word and encouraged to do the best we are able. Unfortunately, too many are reading His word to find out what is the least they can do and still get by… and that is much more difficult.
❤️ Shabbat Shalom to all who guard and keep the Sabbath, as Adonai has instructed! ❤️
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