Is it possible or practical to apply Biblical time or a Biblical calendar to our lives today? The short answer is yes, with some exceptions. The world runs on the Gregorian calendar, believers simply can’t switch to a different calendar without conflict. However we can be aware and we can treat it much like a second language. During the Babylonian exile the Hebrew people were not able to track time the way they had done while living in Israel. They needed to learn a new language and find a way to follow the Creator’s instructions as closely as possible while getting along the best they could. Today believers around the world can apply that same desire to please the Creator even while living in a place that seem hostile.
Shalom Shalom family ?
As I went into prayer this evening a picture I had some time of a figtree slipped from the pages I read.
On the back I wrote years ago:
Faith in the Word rejoices even when the fig tree of your life is not blossoming.
Maybe you find yourself in a difficult situation that you see no outcome.
Habakkuk 3:18 “although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines…Yet I will rejoice in YHVH, I will joy in YHVH of my salvation”
Habakkuk was not rejoicing because the fig tree was not blossoming. He was rejoicing in YHVH, in what He has said and what He will do. In the same way, although the fig tree of your life or circumstances might not blossom, like any given fruit grow in the right season, wait patiently and remember to remain joyful is the key to victory.
Habakkuk's perception of the situation changed from despair to so much hope that he joyfully rejoiced.
Rejoice NOW, and give the fig tree reason to blossom!
Thank You YHVH for Your wonderful provisions in our lives even in the midst of distress and struggles. Thank You for the rythm of Your music that our feet may dance. We rejoice in Your goodness and faithfulness. Amein.
Be blessed and stay blessed ?
Thought for Today: Thursday July 14:
YHVH has revealed Himself. He is not hidden! He has spoken to us and if we listen, we can not only discover what He is like, but we can come to know Him in a personal way… YHVH has two textbooks. One is the textbook of nature. By looking at the world, we can learn something about the Creator. The other textbook is of Revelation, the Bible. It is much more than an ancient record of events; it is YHVH’s Word, given to us by the inspiration of Ruach HaKodesh to be a guide for our lives. THUS! YHVH has spoken and He still speaks today. Are you listening?
As Ïbhriym (Hebrews), we believe that the pre-eminent existence is Yehovah Él Ëlyown (Yehovah, Uppermost God). And at the very beginning of time, time and light were created by his Dabhar (his Declaration).
That Declaration was spoken, “Yehiy ówr” (Have Light exist).
The Light that existed was neither sunlight nor moonlight nor starlight, but rather the Light of the Declaration of Yehovah appearing in form (his first Son), who was the very likeness of Yehovah himself (Miy’Kha’Él).
The Uppermost God had 70 sons, to which were divided the Nations of the earth. But the Nation of the Sons of Yissra’Él were kept for himself, as his Son.
The first Son of Yehovah God, his very likeness (Miy’Kha’Él), was later born as an Earthborn man among the Sons of Yissra’Él, and he was given the name Yehowshuwä (Yehovah saves). Yehowshuwä (shortened to Yeshuwä) walked according to every Declaration of Yehovah God, because he is the Dabhar of Yehovah (the Declaration).
The Teaching of Yeshuwä is to only follow the Teaching of Yehovah (Towrath Yehovah). He never spoke anything outside of the Teaching of Yehovah, and only spoke what Yehovah himself had Declared. Because he is the Declaration, he upheld and firmly established every Declaration that has emerged from the mouth of Yehovah.
He later sent the Ruwach ha’Qowdesh (the Sanctified Wind), to carry the remembrances of the Declaration of Yehovah to his students. Those that walk according to the Teaching of Yehovah and Remember his Name, as did the Declaration (Yeshuwä), are also given authority to be joined to Yehovah as Sons, as were the Sons of Yissra’Él.
Those who join themselves to Yehovah have, in their enjoining, become Leviym (Joined-Ones), which are the priests.
Because of their adoption by the Declaration of Yeshua, through the bloodline of the Ancient Kings of Yehuwdah, they have also become royal heirs to the Kingdom of Yehovah.
That People which walks according to every Declaration that has emerged from the mouth of Yehovah, and which goes by the Teaching of Yehovah, is a Nation of Priests and Kings to the Uppermost God, Procurer of Skies and Land.
They will inherit the Kingdom of the Skies, and the Kingdom of the Land of Yissra’Él, when the Anointed King sits upon the throne of Yeruw’Shalem, to rule all Nations by the Teaching of Yehovah for a thousand years.
Ámen ve’ámen:
Here is a bible study i put together on God's Marriage and Divorce, feel free to share the link.