Thought for Today: Sunday July 10:
What would you do if were about to meet the queen of England? I am sure you will go out of your way to dress correctly and to be properly briefed… One day, you and I will meet a far Greater Sovereign: the King Creator of the Universe. Our cry will be that of Revelation – You are Worthy Adonai, to receive Glory and Honour and Power – Revelation 4:11. Are you prepared for that day when you will meet the King of kings face to face? The time for you to prepare is now, by committing your life to Moshiach and begin to live as a child of the King. Unlike as for the queen of England, make sure that you are properly dressed for this occasion. Dressed in righteousness, kindness, love, honesty and obedience to His Word. Practice to bow down low while you have time.
A solution for the increase in violence is offered in this week's message. #shabbatshalom #yeshua #yahweh #daysofnoah
Highly recommend reading this book. Lots of fascinating and helpful information for guys that struggle with NGS.
We love our dogs, but because they are dogs, sometimes they get into things that make them repulsive to us. That's when they need some loving intervention in the form of a thorough scrubbing to make them acceptable in our presence. Isn't that exactly what our Creator does for us?
An Uainuint Paiute Aiming a Rifle, Southwestern Utah.
From the National Archives. #nativeamerican #history #makesocialmediafunagain
#know ? #whattheywillnottellyou ? #thereisabetterway ? #doyourresearch ? #donotliveinfear ? #naturalalternatives ? #naturalhealing ?
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Marcie Flores
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