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Labeling can be a problem...
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, July 6th.
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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#mondaymotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #evil
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Welcome to our weekly Torah Study, aka Torah Tuesdays. This week's Parsha is Chukat, Numbers 19:1- 22:1
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, email us at or call us at 423-250-3020.
#Chukat #Torah #torahstudy #torahtuesday #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #Mishpocha
Link to First Look -
Labeling can be a problem...
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, July 6th.
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website,
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We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, email us at or call us at 423-250-3020.
#mondaymotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #evil
Shalom Shalom family ?
Our Heavenly Father, our very own great I Am, King of the universe and all that exist. We exalt Thee and honor Your Name YHVH in all the earth. We give Praises with all that we are. Thank You so much for another day of life on Earth and the abilities we have to see, be able to walk, feel, touch and share emotions. Thank You for another beautiful sunrise to enjoy with gratitude knowing You are in control. Thank You for the wonderful sounds of nature, from the cool breeze brushing through the trees to the birds singing melodies. You are a wonderful and Amazing, full of grace and mercy. We praise you for allowing us to take joy in this day and be glad in it. Thank You for awakening us in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You. We are privileged in so many ways. Thank You to spend with our loved ones, family and friends. Please draw us near and let us feel Your loving kindness and compassion wherever we go. Please unfold Your words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom over our hearts as we prepare to start this day. Our Heavenly Father please ignite our spirit and set this day on fire with Your abundance of love and promise. Make the ordinary extraordinary and the impossible to a miracle. Help us to see that every awaking spirit is full of Your power. Help us to discover new ways to reveal Your love to all we meet. Keep our minds clear from negative thinking and help us to be focused on all we need to achieve. Please give us the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions in placing all our trust in You. Father You gave us the authority to live a good life with no fear because You are with us. You never left us nor forsake us. We give You all of who we are. We pray for Your Kingdom to come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us all our sins and trespasses against Thee and others. We Glorify Your Name and give You Praise. HalleluYah. Amein.
Be blessed and stay blessed ?
This is awesome!
Honey Harvest 2022.
My wife is cutting the cappings off before the frame is placed into the extractor.
What you are hearing is Daniel Joseph from @cornerfringeministries. We spent the day listening to quite a few teachings while extracting our honey.
#wvhoney #honeyharvest #honey #apiary #beekeeping #beekeeper #wvbeekeeping
Thought for Today: Tuesday July 05:
Go to YHVH with all your weaknesses; physical, emotional, and spiritual. Rest in the comfort of His Presence, remembering that nothing is impossible for Him. Pry your mind away from your problems so you can focus your attention on Elohim. Recall that He is able to do immeasurable more than all you can ask or imagine. Instead of trying to direct Him to do this or that, seek to attune yourself to what He is already doing. When anxiety tempts to wedge its way into your thoughts, remind yourself that He is your Shepherd. The bottom line is that He is taking care of you; therefore, you need not to be afraid of anything. Rather than trying to maintain control over your life, abandon yourself to His Will. Though this may feel frightening – even dangerous – the safest place to be is in His will.
Hope you enjoy this weeks #music video!