Sabbath is a coming and some around the property are already in their Shabbat-Mode. Rest well everyone, and be at peace knowing that He who made the world in 6 days loves you. #shabbatshalom
Could this be the Four Horsemen of Revelation 6?
I hear of mass destruction of cattle farms, or mysteriously dying all together, and 2022:6:22 of deliberate destruction of cattle in Holland to ‘reduce nitrogen emissions’.Inflation is ridiculous at the moment, petrol is more than AUD2.00/L. Perhaps much of this is due to WEF ‘climate change’ madness. They are destroying food sources, but “the wine and the oil hurt thou not” -perhaps because these are sources of Green Energy; the wine is a source of bioethanol and the oil is a source of biodiesel. As they, through governments and new law destroy the food production of common farmers, the price of foods will continue to rise and then they will supply their own high-tech synthetic foods that WEF is making, like fake meat. All four horsemen in Revelation 6 could thus be accounted for:
WHITE HORSE (SEAL 1): Rider given opportunity and power through a ‘crown’ [Latin: corona] conquers the world and seeks to continue to conquer by use of skin-piercing ‘bow’ (syringe?) [bow is ‘toxon’ -> toxikon pharmakon -> ‘toxic’ bow drug].
RED HORSE (SEAL 2): ‘Peace taken from the earth’ ‘that men should slay one another’: US gov through Ukraine government provokes Russia which invades Ukraine, leading to worldwide calls for war against Russia. China and AUKUS are also ready to get involved.
BLACK HORSE (SEAL 3): Inflation: crazy high prices for basic things like wheat and barley; a loaf of bread in Germany for 1.39 euros, inflation rate at 7-8%. ‘The oil and the wine, hurt thou not’ -whilst farms and food supplies of the common people are being destroyed and banned, WEF/gov in the name of ‘climate change’ may take control over wine and oil supplies under the premise that wine is a source of bioethanol and oil a source of biodiesel; ‘green’ biofuels.
PALE HORSE (SEAL 4): Death: people are dying ‘with sword (war), and with famine (inflation), and with death’ -how does one die from ‘death’? SADS? SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME? SADS is being reported all over the world after the mass vaccination, with nobody admitting a connection; so people are dying unexpectedly: the cause of their death is ‘death’; SADS. ‘Death’ has become a diagnosis! Stay tuned for ‘and by the wild beasts of the earth’.
This coming week, July 3-9 (4-10 Tammuz 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Chukat (Ordinance Of).
03 Jul Numbers 19:1-17 Jeremiah 26:1-27:22 1 Cor 9:1-27 Eccl 1:1-18
04 Jul Numbers 19:18-20:6 Jeremiah 28:1-29:32 1 Cor 10:1-23 Eccl 2:1-13
05 Jul Numbers 20:7-13 Jeremiah 30:1-31:14 1 Cor 10:24-11:16 Eccl 2:14-26
06 Jul Numbers 20:14-21 Jeremiah 31:15-40 1 Cor 11:17-34 Eccl 3:1-15
07 Jul Numbers 20:22-21:9 Jeremiah 32:1-44 1 Cor 12:1-28 Eccl 3:16-22
08 Jul Numbers 21:10-20 Jeremiah 33:1-34:22 1 Cor 12:29-13:13 Psalm 102:1-15
09 Jul Numbers 21:21-22:1 Judges 11:1-33 1 Cor 14:1-19 Psalm 102:16-28
The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2021-22 (Hebrew year 5782) is available at this link: