Exodus 3;30, “And Aaron spake all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.” When Aaron was speaking the people, he told them exactly what the Creator had said. The future actions of the people give cause to wonder if they understood what Aaron told them. Were they able to hear what Aaron said or did they filter the things they didn’t want to hear and are we guilty of doing that? When someone speaks do we hear what they are saying or do we miss the words to hear only what we choose to hear? Make sure to listen carefully when the Creator speaks to you so you don’t spend years wandering around.
Do you allow some of your past mistakes or trauma to 'leak' into your present and future decisions?
This is a battle we all face from time to time. We need to remember things that happened to us in the past, was either a lesson/correction, or it was pure time & chance.
Irrespective of why those things happened, we need to learn from them & move forward!!
Link to Love & Torah Part 42
Related Teachings can be found here:
• INfocus: You’re Still Wrong https://youtu.be/V9SU20AM5B8
• INfocus: Your Feelings Are All Hanging Out https://youtu.be/R7kI06hK-dY
• INfocus: Do You Validate? https://youtu.be/0E9qOoj7NEk
• Forgiveness, Resolution, Reconciliation & Restoration https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
• INfocus: A Beautiful Mindset https://youtu.be/slUIGOmU_BI
• Infocus: Selfless vs Selfish https://youtu.be/iYrN9IRX8UU
• Developing the Character of Yeshua https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
• Infocus: Being Present in the Present https://youtu.be/BihWVXzPFOo
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Link to service - https://youtu.be/81W-HSk4zts
Welcome to our Rosh Chodesh service (New Moon observance). Join us as we celebrate the new month of HaRivi'i 5782.
Along with the liturgical style presentation, Rabbi Steve Berkson gives an inspired message for the new month that is useful in your Torah-pursuant walk.
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#RoshChodesh #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn
Jeremiah 29:5 NLT
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