Welcome to Eating Wild Honey & Locusts every Tuesday @ 3pm EST, 8pm GMT, “Live’ on with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon and Jessica Knock on www.lambnetwork.tv
I'm thinking about having our harpist play for the next ? #musicmonday. ? We'll see if we can get something we like thrown together tomorrow. ? ?
Team Aromem has many tools of the trade at our disposal. Tools of worship that is. ?. #music
Team Aromem has many tools of the trade at our disposal. Tools of worship that is. ?. #music
From this morning’s worship practice. I started playing on worship teams when I was around 12. I probably wasn’t good enough for the team to be honest. But Yah used it to shape me into the musician I am today. I’m certainly not famous or topping charts, but the melodies and words that I receive from His Spirit I wouldn’t trade for anything. #shabbatshalom #music
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