“Men of Fire’
Join Dr. Stephen Pidgeon: Cepher Publishing and fmr 2nd Lt, Scott Bennett: with Jessica Knock: “Eating Wild Honey and Locusts,” “LIVE” on [a][/a] today 24 June 2022 @ 2.30pm EST, 7.30pm GMT.
On Tonight’s presentation:
- 2020 Election Fraud & Evidence
- Legal Notice of Crimes and Citations
- AFL Documentation
- 18 usc 241, and 18 usc 242 quo warranto
One of our most popular videos
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On ‘Answers for our Time:
Join Shane & Jessica Knocks they minister from the 91st Psalms and apply it to our present day situation, whilst with 2nd Lt. Scott Bennett of provides a powerful 'Mandatory Judicial Notice in case its required for our future protection.
"Be advised you are hereby served with legal notice; I do not recognise your authority. I do not give you authority; I am a free man created by God and my rights are given by him and you have nothing to say in the matter. You do not control them; you do not control me. I'm a free man walking among this this earth on this land and I'm breathing fresh air and doing what God created me to do. I have nothing to do with you or your systems or licences or your profiles or anything else that is not me; that is for some one else; you do not tell me anything, so be advised. I hereby serve you legal notice if you interfere with my rights or interfere with me in any way shape or form for exercising my liberty. You and your family individually and as an organisation; you as a police man you as a individual man will be held legally liable and can be fined and criminally prosecuted in criminal case and a civil case for deprivation or rights under colour of law. In America US code 18241 18242
Please email: for 'Mandatory Judicial Notice.
One of our most popular videos
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Dr Stephen Pidgeon of cepher Publishing Group and Jessica Knock of Eating Wild Honey and Locust Ministry take a deep dive into end time prophecy from both a biblical and world view perspective to conform the critical times we are living in. Please consider subscribing to channel for notifications of new broadcasts.
One of our most popular videos
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Join, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon of Cepher Publishing Group with Jessica Knock on “Eating Wild Honey and Locusts,” investigate Yahuah’s judgements released throughout the tribulation - One of the four methods of death in the fourth seal - PESTILENCE !!!
Points of discussion:: Bill Gates funded, George Soros assigned controller of all messages going forth from the attempted control of world media from Rome, continually branding such as our ultimate truth patriot, Scott Bennett, as controlled by Russia, since Scott, long ago, worked in the George Scherff (Bush) regime and while assigned to finding who all was funding terrorism, shocked all, in really finding every last account that really was funding terrorism. Those loaded with so called money and power, of course.
Psalms 2:1-6 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The Kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahuah, and against his Mashiach, saying "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away thier cords from us." Though it may seek bleak, Remember: 2 Esdras 9: 14-16, 21-22: You are that one grape from a cluster You are that one plant from the great forest You are that one drop from that wave
Due to popular demand on Cepher: Answers for this Generation with host Jessica Knock, "Eatin' Wild Honey and Locusts with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, CEO of Cepher Publishing and 2LT Scott Bennett of and Great Awakenings who will be sharing top intel on world situations, which we would otherwise not hear, balanced with scriptural perspective.
Our very first broadcast and this video was stripped from our Youtube channel before it was even premiered !!! The feeds where lowered on facebook to prevent us reaching our viewers, yet the demand has stood strong.
Please consdier subscribing to this channel and hitting the like button to help us make a differnce in this world with truth and the Biblcal Word in these serious times, we find ourselves living in.
If you ever felt like your missing something when reading the Bible. A key peice of the puzzle you havent been able to fit. Then, "Answers for this Time" is for you, presented by Dr. Stephen Pidgeon Founder and Publisher of Cepher Publishing Group with Jessica Knock of "Eatin Wild Honey and Locus
Our 2nd broadcast with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon Founder and Publisher of Cepher Publishing Group with Jessica Knock of "Eatin Wild Honey and Locusts as they look at world events through a biblical lense and in depth discussion.