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Instead of an inheritance in the land, the Kohanim (Levitical priests) are given the right to serve in the Temple and receive portions of the offerings (Numbers 18:20) and the Levites are given a tithe of the produce of Israel (Numbers 18:21,24). This principle doesn't translate directly outside of the land of Israel (nor even in the land today) because nobody follows God's rules for dividing and inheriting land. Nobody has a right to claim any of those tithes or offerings today, but I think it's still important to find a way to keep the spirit of these laws however we can.
Looking forward to amazing worship, powerful prayer and biblical teaching this Shabbat.
Join us on Saturday at 10:45 AM in Coon Rapids, MN or via live stream at 11 AM CT.
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They shall join you and keep guard over the tent of meeting for all the service of the tent, and no outsider shall come near you.
Numbers 18:4
A gentile can be a sojourner in Israel, a citizen in all but inheritance in the land, and eventually be adopted into one of the tribes and inherit land along with the native born. But a gentile convert can never become a Levite, let alone a Levitical priest. God's covenant with Aaron is open only to the physical descendants of Aaron. Anyone trying to usurp that priestly role at the altar or any of the other holy articles of the Tabernacle or Temple was to be killed.
Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
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Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
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Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
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Happy new moon tonight ?
The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
The Way Psalms 119:1 Blessed are the undefiled in THE WAY, who walk in the law of YHVH.
The truth Psalm 119:142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is THE TRUTH.
The life Proverbs 13:14 The LAW of the wise is a fountain of LIFE, to depart from the snares of death.
22 Bible Verses about
Life Through Keeping The Law
The gentiles crossed over from death to life by repenting from sin and entering into the covenant of YHWH. Israel's job was to show them the way as a light to the nations.
Just as Abraham married his niece Sarah to make a great name for his dead relative, Israel is supposed to put the gentiles first by grafting them into their own family as Sarah and Ruth were grafted in.
The tower & temple builders in Babylon wanted to make their own names great.
Israel is to make others great, not themselves.
74 Bible Verses about Mission, Of Israel
Salvation in Yeshuah existed before the resurrection, but salvation wasn't fulfilled until after the resurrection.
The debt that paid for salvation was put on a bebt card, until Yeshuah paid the card off. To get your sin debt put on the debt card, you had to have salvation by faith like Abraham or participate in animal sacrifice for sins, but only Yeshuah could pay the debt. It was piled up before He paid it.
Yeshuah is the law, the way, the truth, & the life. They are one & the same. He didn't do away with Himself. He just paid for the debt.