Making comics for the Portions that are sometimes split between two weeks instead of one.
#bible #bibleverse #torahobservant #christian #messianic #messianicjudiasm #hebrewroots #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon
Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask this question:
Does anyone know a good place to meet Torah Observant singles?
Everyone in my congregation is married, except me....and frankly the rest of the wordly people are just unequally yoked to my beliefs, so I'm not sure where to start?
Thanks in advance:)
Link to teaching -
People typically don’t engage in normal conversation on the topic of ‘evil’, although maybe a glancing discussion when they see something in a news headline or a movie/TV show that portrays something as they perceive as evil. But, do you know how much ‘evil’ is written about in your Bible? Do you know what the true, scriptural definition of ‘evil’ is? How does this knowledge affect your walk of faith.
Rabbi Steve Berkson is one of the small few that would take on the challenge of teaching from scripture about the topic of ‘evil’. You will be amazed and often surprised as Rabbi Berkson dissects the verses from the Bible, one-by-one if necessary, to teach what has been revealed to him and how these revelations will definitely impact your life – both physically and spiritually.
Rabbi Berkson decides to start from the beginning, in the book of Genesis, as he has done in other teachings, and continues through the whole bible to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
00: 00 Intro/Review
03:32 Resuming in 1 Peter chapter 2
05:50 1 Peter 2:9 – A chosen race, royal priesthood, set-apart nation
14:21 1 Peter 2:10 – Not my people - no compassion/mercy
21:24 Ezekiel 37 – The dry bones and the two sticks
38:38 Ezekiel 37:24 – One Shepherd
45:42 They are not teaching about the same Shepherd
50:47 1 Peter 2:10 – To become this, you must not do that
58:13 Weeping and gnashing of teeth
01: 03: 06 The ‘Lost Sheep’ are returning
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Discovering Your Identity
• Darkness & Light
• Understanding the Ruach/Spirit
• INfocus: That’s Good News!
• Whose Eyes Are You Right In?
• INfocus: Was the Law/Torah Nailed to the Cross?
• Beware False Prophets
• The Millennium & The Kingdom
• INfocus: Lust
• Cling, Cleave, Hold Fast
• Unity and Division in the Body of Messiah
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #evil
Link to teaching -
People typically don’t engage in normal conversation on the topic of ‘evil’, although maybe a glancing discussion when they see something in a news headline or a movie/TV show that portrays something as they perceive as evil. But, do you know how much ‘evil’ is written about in your Bible? Do you know what the true, scriptural definition of ‘evil’ is? How does this knowledge affect your walk of faith.
Rabbi Steve Berkson is one of the small few that would take on the challenge of teaching from scripture about the topic of ‘evil’. You will be amazed and often surprised as Rabbi Berkson dissects the verses from the Bible, one-by-one if necessary, to teach what has been revealed to him and how these revelations will definitely impact your life – both physically and spiritually.
Rabbi Berkson decides to start from the beginning, in the book of Genesis, as he has done in other teachings, and continues through the whole bible to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
00: 00 Intro/Review
03:32 Resuming in 1 Peter chapter 2
05:50 1 Peter 2:9 – A chosen race, royal priesthood, set-apart nation
14:21 1 Peter 2:10 – Not my people - no compassion/mercy
21:24 Ezekiel 37 – The dry bones and the two sticks
38:38 Ezekiel 37:24 – One Shepherd
45:42 They are not teaching about the same Shepherd
50:47 1 Peter 2:10 – To become this, you must not do that
58:13 Weeping and gnashing of teeth
01: 03: 06 The ‘Lost Sheep’ are returning
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Discovering Your Identity
• Darkness & Light
• Understanding the Ruach/Spirit
• INfocus: That’s Good News!
• Whose Eyes Are You Right In?
• INfocus: Was the Law/Torah Nailed to the Cross?
• Beware False Prophets
• The Millennium & The Kingdom
• INfocus: Lust
• Cling, Cleave, Hold Fast
• Unity and Division in the Body of Messiah
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website,
Join us on Social media!
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We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, email us at or call us at 423-250-3020.
#midweekmotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #clevelandtn #mtoiworldwide #evil
Thank you for your prayers, Myra's surgery was much easier than they expected. Now all she needs to do is survive me tryin to care for her...
Ecclesiastes 3; 10—11 (BSB) “I have seen the burden that God has laid upon the sons of men to occupy them. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.” Our Creator may allow trouble in our lives, (some of it which has been self inflicted) everything He plans is perfect. We are designed to be eternal, yet in this physical body we are not able to understand all of the things He is doing.
David Martin
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