There are only two camps in the world. The camp of the righteous and the camp of the lawless. In the story of Qorach, Mosheh the righteous one points to Yeshua while Qorach, the lawless one points to the anti-messiah. In this video, G. Steven Simons compares the rebellion of Qorach with the anti-messiah of the end times and encourages believers to be watchful and vigilant walking in the ways of Yeshua.
I am going to be starting a read along /study on how to be the help meet you're created to be.
If you're interested in this please pm me or email me at as I very rarely get notifications on here (they literally just don't show up)
I'm a homeschooling mom of 3 and I understand time can be a bit limited but I know that this book has changed my marriage, and changed me!
Do evenings work best? Weekdays/weekends? I don't mind setting sometime during Shabbat to do this.
It will be done online as well. Cautioned around children as there is discussion on more mature content
Some people's job is to go into the field. Some people's job is to facilitate their going. There's no shame in a humble life's calling. You will find great fulfillment in it if you embrace it, but if you run from your calling, know that there is a big fish waiting to swallow you up and take you back.
Facilitate the calling of other people whenever you can. Feed, house, clothe, transport, etc. Be ready to help everyone, but give priority to God's people, especially if they are busy on God's work. Remember how the nations in Israel's path to the Land refused to help them and were subsequently impoverished, dispossessed, or destroyed.
Matthew 10:40-42
The first part of Joshua chapter 12 describes the conquests of Moses on the east side of the Jordan. But Moses was not the right leader for the conquest in the West.