10 Names of Money
1 When you owe someone money --- it is called debt
2 In churches it is called --- offering
3 in a marriage it is called --- bride price or dower
4 at your work it is called --- salary
5 in old age it is called --- pension
6 when the government takes it, it is called --- tax
7 giving it to a loved one it is called --- a gift
8 Paying something for your children, it is called --- an expense
9 Sometimes when you buy necessities, it is called --- a rip off
10 When buying something not needed, it is called --- a waste
I'm seeing a disturbing trend pop up. People cropping up on social media saying things like "everything is energy" and "we are all one conscious with the creator" "Everything is God". "God is not a person or noun" That type of crap. Anyone else noticing this? It sounds like new age junk, but I just don't remember seeing it before.
Thought for Today: Friday July 15:
May you dare to trust Elohim today with your whole heart and not lean on your own understanding. May you look up and acknowledge Him with every step you take, knowing that He will get you where you need to go. May you put your hope in Him and not the approval of man. YHVH will never disappoint. He loves you more than you can comprehend. Trust Him and soon your eyes will see how good He is.
Henry W. Wright (author of "Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease" ) often says that it's not God's will for you to be healed, it's God's will for you to never get sick in the first place!
So many diseases and illnesses would be prevented if we all learned how to take care of ourselves the way God intended us to!
Things like:
? Stay hydrated with clean, pure water!
? Eat nutritious, clean, whole-foods!
?♀️ Be active!
? Enjoy nature!
? Get the proper amount of sleep!
? Keep stress levels low!
☢ Avoid chemicals and eliminate toxins!
? Use natural solutions when health has been compromised!
? Release negative thoughts & meditate on that which is good!
? Repent of our sins as we forgive others of theirs!
When we live a holy, healthy, and natural lifestyle, we give our bodies (and our minds!) the ability to not only heal itself of current issues, but we are able to prevent numerous issues from ever occurring in the future!
While there are times medical professionals are needed and while pharmaceuticals do have their time and place, you will find that you will need them far less when you focus on giving your body what it needs to thrive and eliminating the things that are holding you back from functioning at your best!
If you're wanting to learn more about how to improve (or even maintain) your current health in order to prevent future health issues from happening down the road, reach out and let's talk!
If you're struggling to keep up with everyday life due to persistent health issues you already have, let me help you find the hope and healing you need to take back your life, begin the healing process, and start functioning in your God-given purpose!
Never hesitate to reach out to learn more about what I do as a health coach and how I can support you in your wellness journey!
#health #wellness #medicine #disease #illness #healing #hope
Don’t disqualify yourself. Don’t live in self-doubt. Because you have the spirit of YAH dwelling in you, you are greater than all the previous Hebrew prophets. You have the potential of actually doing the same works of Yeshua. For more info on being clothed with power from on high click the link below to watch our video entitled, "Clothed In Power." https://youtu.be/nmH1qZKVBSo
Live at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time, Accounting For Time, should we apply the Creator’s calendar to our lives today? Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here https://www.spreaker.com/show/....give-god-90-episode- With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
Marcie Flores
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