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I am having a hard time believing how quickly this summer is going. This summer has been filled with a lot of activity. When I recently looked at the calendar and saw how soon a new school year will be starting — and how little I’ve done to prepare — I decided to buckle down and get ready. Here are some ideas:
Live at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time, Noah Was A Prepper. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
Prayer Request: I seem to be out of cash, time, and sleep. YouTube income dropped below my monthly expenses unless I cut a needy friend off from food, I planned on selling some silver today but I didn't have time because I didn't have enough sleep to safely travel with Grandmother to Lewiston Idaho today. If I had not cooked a Turkey for Grandmother and put it away in the freezer, I may have been in bed earlier. I prepared for the anti-Christmas presentation while the Turkey was cooking. As you may know Grandmother is 93 & was diagnosed with dementia and two strokes.
I have a plan to make more income, however it requires cash I think?
1. Pay the difference for the 4K UHD chicken PC. With $99.99 subtracted it seems like $350.00 unless "revive it" can find a more inexpensive model or someone gives me a hand me down PC, or if I was able to use a part I have to get a discount.
2. Get 2 more cameras from Reolink + two long cat8 network cables + another poe switch. If they can locate Mom's order number, I should get 1 or 2 cameras free or discounted. The network cables and the switch is still an expense.
And I need time to install and program the computer and cameras.
3. Buy a Torah network membership so that I can advertise my live stream, videos, and websites.
This doesn't include website migration fees away from Verizon. Verizon small business web hosting ruined my WordPress site and has not fixed it despite telling me that they would. I have to migrate my website to HostGator along with the domains.
So I pray for these things that I have thought of in desperation.
Time, income, sleep, help, and direction. I thought about the Christian Youth Center and how I lost it, and Ecclesiastes where a righteous man dies alone and all his work is vanity.
I hope your days, weeks, and years are going well.
Prayer Request: I seem to be out of cash, time, and sleep. YouTube income dropped below my monthly expenses unless I cut a needy friend off from food, I planned on selling some silver today but I didn't have time because I didn't have enough sleep to safely travel with Grandmother to Lewiston Idaho today. If I had not cooked a Turkey for Grandmother and put it away in the freezer, I may have been in bed earlier. I prepared for the anti-Christmas presentation while the Turkey was cooking. As you may know Grandmother is 93 & was diagnosed with dementia and two strokes.
I have a plan to make more income, however it requires cash I think?
1. Pay the difference for the 4K UHD chicken PC. With $99.99 subtracted it seems like $350.00 unless "revive it" can find a more inexpensive model or someone gives me a hand me down PC, or if I was able to use a part I have to get a discount.
2. Get 2 more cameras from Reolink + two long cat8 network cables + another poe switch. If they can locate Mom's order number, I should get 1 or 2 cameras free or discounted. The network cables and the switch is still an expense.
And I need time to install and program the computer and cameras.
3. Buy a Torah network membership so that I can advertise my live stream, videos, and websites.
This doesn't include website migration fees away from Verizon. Verizon small business web hosting ruined my WordPress site and has not fixed it despite telling me that they would. I have to migrate my website to HostGator along with the domains.
So I pray for these things that I have thought of in desperation.
Time, income, sleep, help, and direction. I thought about the Christian Youth Center and how I lost it, and Ecclesiastes where a righteous man dies alone and all his work is vanity.
I hope your days, weeks, and years are going well.
Prayer Request: I seem to be out of cash, time, and sleep. YouTube income dropped below my monthly expenses unless I cut a needy friend off from food, I planned on selling some silver today but I didn't have time because I didn't have enough sleep to safely travel with Grandmother to Lewiston Idaho today. If I had not cooked a Turkey for Grandmother and put it away in the freezer, I may have been in bed earlier. I prepared for the anti-Christmas presentation while the Turkey was cooking. As you may know Grandmother is 93 & was diagnosed with dementia and two strokes.
I have a plan to make more income, however it requires cash I think?
1. Pay the difference for the 4K UHD chicken PC. With $99.99 subtracted it seems like $350.00 unless "revive it" can find a more inexpensive model or someone gives me a hand me down PC, or if I was able to use a part I have to get a discount.
2. Get 2 more cameras from Reolink + two long cat8 network cables + another poe switch. If they can locate Mom's order number, I should get 1 or 2 cameras free or discounted. The network cables and the switch is still an expense.
And I need time to install and program the computer and cameras.
3. Buy a Torah network membership so that I can advertise my live stream, videos, and websites.
This doesn't include website migration fees away from Verizon. Verizon small business web hosting ruined my WordPress site and has not fixed it despite telling me that they would. I have to migrate my website to HostGator along with the domains.
So I pray for these things that I have thought of in desperation.
Time, income, sleep, help, and direction. I thought about the Christian Youth Center and how I lost it, and Ecclesiastes where a righteous man dies alone and all his work is vanity.
I hope your days, weeks, and years are going well.
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’
Matthew 21:38
This is similar to the lie that Satan told Adam and Eve in the Garden: You can become like God. It's probably also what he told himself at Golgotha: Kill the Son and you can take his place. However, the immediate subject of Yeshua's parable was the Jewish religious leadership who thought they could dictate terms to God.
The first century Jewish leaders had a millennium’s worth of writings about the Messiah. Every page of the Tanakh (the Old Testament) testifies to his identity and mission, and these men claimed to have dedicated their lives to studying it. Yet, what most of them really studied and kept was their own position, their credentials and the power they held over their brothers.
When Yeshua (Jesus) came healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, cleansing lepers, and releasing spiritual captives, they demanded something flashier. When he showed people how to keep God’s commandments and explained the prophets and Psalms, they tried to trap him with trick questions.
The Scribes, Pharisees, and Priests couldn’t read the obvious signs for one simple reason: They didn’t want to.
I am working on formatting my next book. This early comic is going to be included in it and when I saw it today I wanted to talk about it.
Love: it isn't something we get to define for the Bible. We have to let the Bible define it for us. We can see today that people have their own definition of love. I have people in my life that because of stances I take on certain issues, stances that I can show in Scripture why I hold that way, that I am being unloving.
On a similar thread, people say that the Law is done away with, or was finished on the Cross, or only for the Jews. However, if we look at Scripture, God makes it clear that the Law, which is better translated as Instruction, is there to instruct us on how to love. All the commands can be put in one of two categories. The same categories that Jesus/Yeshua gave us: Loving God and Loving Others. Like I am showing in the comic.
Something to think about.
The NCAA has nominated a man for "woman of the year".
The National Women's History Museum is featuring a bunch of men in drag as exemplars of female accomplishment.
Congress people, senators, and journalists are terrified of peaceful senior citizens carrying American flags.
Corporations dedicated to making a profit will sacrifice billions of dollars for the sake of promoting horribly destructive delusions and the overt sexualization of children.
I pray that future generations will look back on these decades with astonished horror and thank God that Americans eventually regained some functional sanity.
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