Why would anyone ever submit to all the restrictions and oversight that comes with military service? It's just not right to the sensibilities of people who appreciate self-esteem and individualism. But then, individualism can mean isolation from others. It's very hard to live in community when we're isolated - and if we're not in community, how do we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves?
"Look unto the beasts of the field and learn their ways: when they awaken each morn, they look up to the heaven, and greet thy God, and in like manner offer prayer to their Creator. Nay, they complain not of anything, though they suffer much and hunger and thirst. These noble beasts rise above man in hidden qualities man knoweth not, and they teacheth man if man inquire. Learn ye the patience and courage of these beasts, who though they have no leader, tend to their needs and care for their young even as a good mother loveth her child."