Answering a question with a question is considered bad manners in many societies. However requesting additional information is also a sign that you are not simply listening to respond but listening to understand. something that the enemy uses to divide believers is should Christians follow the “law” but they also seldom agree about the definition of the word “law”. If you find yourself involved in this kind of conversation, try to find some common ground by defining the words you are using. then continue the discussion with love and understanding.
This week's double-portion Torah reading is also my birthday parsha, and I've got a lot to say about it. :-)
Here's a list of #newtestament passages to study alongside #torah Parsha #masei (#numbers 33:1-36:13), plus links to related commentary and video:
On this date in history, 07/24/1974: The Supreme Court of the United States orders President Nixon to hand the Watergate tapes over to the prosecution. #otd #tdih #scotus #watergate
Blair Campbell
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