I believe this is the last portion comic that didn't occur during the cycles when I was making these. With this done, I will probably up the As The Torah Scrolls until the portion cycle resets for the year and start on new portion comics.
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"East Winds"
Acoustic Improvisation Session by Aromem ?
I (David) pick the chords and we see where the Holy Spirit takes us! This time around we decided to break out some middle eastern instruments, the saz and oud. The result? The instruments of the east and west work well together when praising Yah!
Live at 10 AM Eastern Standard time, Don’t Avoid The Conversation. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here https://www.spreaker.com/show/....give-god-90-episode- With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
Link to First Look - https://youtu.be/A2PdSjd_1fI
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, July 27th.
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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#mondaymotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #BeSetApart
Link to First Look - https://youtu.be/A2PdSjd_1fI
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, July 27th.
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website, https://mtoi.org.
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We are located in Cleveland TN, and have extension fellowships across South Africa. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website https://mtoi.org/mtoi-map/, to see where they are located, email us at contact.sa@mtoi.org or call us on 073 421 6481.
#mondaymotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #BeSetApart
When we think about the law in the Old Testament, many get confused by the traditions. Of the 613 commands written through Moses, the heavy majority are specifically for the Levitical priesthood. The purpose for the more stringent regulations was to ensure that the people leading a nation to worship would be less inclined to sin. But people are still people, we should choose our worship leaders carefully and hold them accountable to a higher standard. Then we hold each other and ourselves accountable to live the way we are designed to live.
Shalom Shalom family ?
Hebrews 4:16
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Our Heavenly Father thank You for inviting us into Your presence each day to experience Your power and Glory. Thank You that we are able to approach Your throne boldly and in supplication. Please equip us with the soft and gentle Holy Spirit and cover us in Your garment. Your Spirit fills our innermost being and give us the strength to walk in wholeness. Thank You for being gracious toward us, giving us Mercy beyond measure. Oh YHVH our Elohim Adonai Your Shalom surround us and surpasses all comprehension. Thank You for awakening our hearts to love one another. Please defend us against attacks of fear and anxiety. Please guard us against lies and discouragements. Please renew our faith and increase our trust to keep on standing on all Your promises. We pray that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened in order that You may complete Your purpose. Our Heavenly Father who is incomparably great, exerted in mighty strength, we pray that You bring all injustice to bow before Your Name. In every decision, in every trial, in every hardship, help us by increasing our dependence knowing we are not alone. Please bless the work of our hands and labour, filling each need with Your compassion. Please bless our spouses with love an understanding to meet each day with a newness in You. Please bless us and our children with courage ,endurance filled with eagerness to be more and more like Yeshua HaMashiach, Your son and our Saviour. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven, please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses against Thee and others. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed ?