Prayer Request:
When we think, talk or pray Yeshua, we think of the wonderful miracles He done while in His Ministry on earth. He healed leapers, made the blind see, gave hearing to the deaf and even gave the gift of walking to the cripple. But what we lose out of sight, and this is what we need to pray for today, in this modern times, is 1) to be cured of leprosy -- leprosy of sin, 2) to be cured of blindness because we not always see the miracles and blessings in our own lives. We tend to focus on problems and not the solutions 3) To be cured of deafness because we say a prayer, get up and get on with the day instead of hearing His Voice and His Instructions. 4) To be cured of lameness, to be able to walk in faith, to follow His footsteps and to walk in righteousness every moment. Thus let us ask that He can touch and heal us for ourselves and most important for each other.
Thought for Today: Wednesday July 27:
May you remember today – above everything else – that the Creator of all, greatly delights in you. He is strong, powerful, gentle and true. May you refuse to wonder if He cares because He truly does care about you. May you relax in the reality of His Presence and His unfailing Love today. May you enjoy the day with fellow Torah keepers, listen to their views and learn from them also, it all strengthen the soul. And may you steward this day in a way that replenishes you for the journey ahead.
In our most recent video, G. Steven Simons leads us on a walk through the original Hebrew scriptures and shows how obedience to the commands of Elohim was necessary and essential for the ancients, the patriarchs, and the original covenant people to remain in proper relationship with Elohim. A fascinating study! Part two will be available this week on YouTube, our website, and our phone app.
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)
Ya'll want some truth? Can you handle the truth? Because the truth is not far off.
Patty Miller was kicked off of this platform. Please pray for her. She was really enjoying this site and it was helping her get through a really hard time. She would love to keep in touch via FB and texting 936-274-2166
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Welcome to our weekly Torah Study, aka Torah Tuesdays. This week's Parsha is Matot-Masei, Numbers 30:2- 36:13
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