The Canaanites had 40 years to plan their evacuation from the land God gave to Israel. They knew the Hebrews were coming and they could have left. Instead, they defied God and were destroyed for it.
If God is on your side, your enemies will have one of two reactions when they face you in war: abject fear or prideful defiance. Either way, they lose. Your enemies will scatter, hide, surrender or else they will fight and die at the hand of God. #devarim
For YHVH your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years YHVH your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.
#deuteronomy 2:7
Wilderness experiences are never pleasant, but they're always beneficial to the faithful. Providence doesn't always look the way we expect. Often blessings come disguised as curses. #devarim
On this date in history, 08/03/1977: Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Micro Computer. #otd #tdih #techhistory
Thought for Today: Tuesday August 02:
May you be assured on a whole new level of how much YHVH Loves you and that He is constantly working on your behalf. May you feel a fresh search of confidence amidst your circumstances because you know that Elohim is ultimately in control and nothing escapes His notice. He only allows battles you can win and in every one there are treasures and spoils with your name on them. Live bravely today!
Sukkot is coming. Start preparing by checking out my Sukkot Range. There is clothing for the whole family, pillows, bedding, and throw rugs for your sukkah, journals, jigsaw puzzles ranging from 30pc to 1000pc as well as other products.
God knows you. He knows your history, your every choice, your every step....and He still loves you, ready to forgive.