Israel killed all of the Ammonites, then Reuben and Gad left their own women and children in God's hands to go fight alongside their brothers in Canaan. When God has given you a task, He will make a way for you to accomplish it. Nothing can stop you if you believe on Him.
#deuteronomy 3:15-20 #faith
The secular definition of freedom is being able to do whatever you feel. The Torah definition of freedom is being able to do what you want, in spite of how you feel.
Now יהוה is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of יהוה is, there is freedom.
Qorintiyim Bĕt (2 Corinthians) 3:17 TS2009?
On this date in history, 08/03/1738: Captain Croak and the Rose arrive in Philadelphia with the survivors of the sunken Speedwell. #otd #tdih #navalhistory