Historically, daughters were not merely given to men as wives, they were often sold to men. These were financial transactions. This is attested to in the Bible. Women are property. It is abundantly clear that fathers own their daughters prior to giving (or selling) them as wives, transferring ownership of them to their new husbands.
Genesis 34:12
Exodus 22:16, 17
1 Samuel 18:25
This doesn't mean that women should be treated as livestock. On the contrary, women are also made in the image of the Most High. Indeed, men are instructed to love their wives.
Genesis 1:27
Ephesians 5:25, 28
Colossians 3:19
Wives, do not be ashamed to be owned by a husband who loves you, protects you, and provides for you. This is good and right. You are his now-priceless property, and you cannot be re-sold to another.
The Homeschooling Torah Family Conference starts tonight! It's free and is for all families, even if you don't homeschoool. I'll be in the chat, especially for tonight's Welcome Party at 9 pm EST. https://homeschoolingtorah.com..../2022basics/schedule
The Homeschooling Torah Family Conference starts tonight! It's free and is for all families, even if you don't homeschoool. I'll be in the chat, especially for tonight's Welcome Party at 9 pm EST. https://homeschoolingtorah.com..../2022basics/schedule
Out of heaven he let you hear his voice, that he might discipline you. And on earth he let you see his great fire, and you heard his words out of the midst of the fire.
Deuteronomy 4:36
If we hear or see God, it is only because He has caused us to hear and see Him. If we honestly seek, not demanding he conform to our expectations, he will reveal himself.
(Speaking of hearing God's voice from heaven... I just finished a video about Peter and the keys to the Kingdom and will be uploading it shortly.)
To you it was shown, that you might know that YHWH is God; there is no other besides him.
#deuteronomy 4:35
The Scriptures were given and preserved so we can know there is no god like YHWH.
#torah #vetchanan
Remember, it is all the same in the end as you get older:
A £3000 watch and a £30 watch all tell the same time.
A £2000 crocodile leather wallet and a £5 plastic wallet, hold the same amount of money.
A £1 000 000 house and a £100 000 house all hold the same loneliness.
A Ford will drive you just as far as a Mercedez, Porche or limousine.
True happiness is never found in materialistic things, it comes from YHVH, the love and time enjoyed with each other. Thus, invest in Elohim and stay humble!