Hey everyone!
I just started my sophomore year in High School today, and I am home schooled.
I haven't really been excited for this year. I really miss public school, and the teachers, and my friends, and the way I learned in my classes, and the fun I had in High School before I became home schooled.
Could I ask you guys to pray for me, that I may be able to go through home schooling with a happy heart and a good mood? Because this is definitely going to be more difficult for me than I anticipated.
Thank you guys!
Shalom ❤
A CvB/Charts crossover. Who are the different books of the Bible for? According to everything I was taught growing up, all the books we label as Old Testament are all Old Covenant, therefor not for New Covenant believers. In other words, what I have displayed in the comic. Which if you have seen other of my comics, I have brought up the whole premise of something "just for the Jews" doesn't line up with the Bible because this term, Biblically, only refers to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. There are 10 other tribes of Israel and they are not called Jews in the Bible.
The other big thing I am pointing out in this comic is that the whole Bible is written by people from Israel. And it is written for the people of Israel. Many try to say that the letters of the New Testament were written to the Gentile believers. This is an oxymoron because, Biblically, a gentile is who is not in covenant with God, and a believer is one who is. The term used for the group of believers is Israel. We see this even in Revelation and the other prophets. When The Kingdom is set up on Earth for Christ to reign, Israel is the focus. We also see this in the mixed multitude that fled during the Exodus and attached themselves to Israel. We also see this with Ruth, an individual account.
If you don't see yourself as part of Israel, yet call yourself a believer, where do you fit in Biblically?
This one may rock your boat! Live at 10 AM Eastern Standard time, A Virtuous Woman Deserves A Righteous Man part 3. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here https://www.spreaker.com/show/....give-god-90-episode- With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
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Hands You Can Trust - All About Neem
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