Over the past few months, I've heard story after story about church leaders stealing and cheating, having affairs, and treating decent people with contempt. It's no wonder that America's churches are dying. If you're not even going to try to live as Jesus lived (instead of how you wish he had lived), calling yourself a Christian is just adding lies to lies. Change your name to the Church of Me, because that's who you really are.
Nobody's perfect, but have some standards. As long as I have another option, I will never be part of a "church" that approves of homosexuality, has a female head pastor, or mistreats people who are just trying to obey God.
You shall not take the name of YHWH your God in vain, for YHWH will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Deuteronomy 5:11
This commandment isn't about saying the words God or Yahweh, etc. It's about dishonoring God's reputation by acting unjustly or sinfully in His name and by falsely attributing words or doctrines to him. In other words, anything that misrepresents God or besmirches his character is "taking YHWH's name in vain." Don't speak or command in God's name if God wouldn't approve of what you're saying. Don't use his name casually. Keep it close. Honor it. Use it sparingly and reverently.
Moses said the Sinai covenant was made with everyone he was speaking to in Deuteronomy 5:1-5, but many of them hadn't been born yet when Israel stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai. The covenant is inherited by birth or adoption. All those who come later and are born into Israel or grafted in by faith are considered to have stood at Sinai with that first generation of former slaves. The collective nation of Israel stood face-to-face with God at Sinai, and so did every individual Israelite who came after them, whether native and grafted in.
What lesson is hidden in Exodus 4;25? “But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin, and touched it to Moses’ feet. “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,” she said.” Zipporah was the daughter of Jethro, a Midianite priest. What we can learn from this verse is Zipporah understood the covenant with Abraham better than Moses because Moses had not circumcised his son. If Moses is able to learn from Zipporah, why should women not be allowed to teach what they know today?
Here's our music video for this week.
Thought for Today: Tuesday August 09:
YHVH is your Creator, Defender, Deliverer and Provider. May He inspire fresh, creative ways to make a living. May He defend you against the accusations of your critics. May He deliver you from the schemes of the enemy. And may He more than provide for all your needs. He is faithful. Rest in that assurance.
Shalom Triumph In Truth extended family! This week's Torah portion, Va'Etchanan - and I pleaded, is available on our website and phone app. www.triumphinrtruth.global/torah
phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)