Shalom family,
My husband recently lost his job as a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces.
He is currently doing the odd job right now to make ends me.
Our second car is not driveable and I was able to find a job that allows me to still stay home and do something I love - serve people.
However this brings a bit of conflict with delivery etc for me.
If you all could pray for us to find a new decent car for our family I would greatly appreciate it.
If you feel the need to bless us for groceries or anything else please let me know.
Thought for Today: Shabbat August 13:
As you wrap up and crawl into your bed tonight after this Shabbat day, may your body, your mind and your soul be at rest and know the deep abiding Peace that comes from deeply knowing YHVH. May He speak to you while you sleep and may He download fresh insight and perspective regarding your current circumstances. And as you rise up tomorrow morning, may your faith rise up in you and compel you to OBEY when you’d rather self-protect, GIVE when you’d rather hoard, and TRUST when you are tempted to worry. You are not made for this place; you are only passing through. Live then, as one who is spoken for. Enjoy Shabbat!