For years, I was trapped inside my own body, controlled by a debilitating spirit of fear.
It got so bad, that I couldn't leave my house, or even be around other people, without having a panic attack that would knock me down for days...if not weeks.
...but ABBA!!! ??
The Lord has been leading me through an incredible journey of healing, and has placed it on my heart to share a part of that journey with all of you.
Yes, the video is a bit glitchy and not the greatest quality. But I felt it was more important to put it out in the world flawed than to wait any longer to share it!
May my story bring you hope in your own journey.
And may the Lord reveal to you what you need to know in order to break free from whatever bondage you might currently be in!
#healing #wellness #overcoming #hope #deliverance #mentalhealth
A chiasm in Deuteronomy 9:3-16 is focused on obedience to God's Word. Check it out!
The Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen. Does "seen" also mean "understood"? If so, then maybe faith includes trusting that God understands the things that still baffle us. That may be the supreme act of faith, because it means humbly conceding that we don't have all the right answers, yet trusting that He does - especially when His answers are different from ours.
In the beginning the earth was without form and void and DARKNESS was upon the face of the deep. And Ruach Elohiym moved upon the face of the waters. And Elohiym said: Let there be LIGHT, and there was Light -- Bere'shiyth (Genesis) 1: 3-2.
Only on the 3rd day after LIGHT was created -- in verse 14: And Elohiym said: Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to divide day from night. in verse 16: And Elohiym made 2 great lights, the greater to rule (mark) the day and the lesser to rule the night.
So, the sun and moon are signs and for appointed feasts and for days and for years: -- Verse 14
Thus, Adonai Elohiym is and will always be the true Light of this world. Who really wants to walk in darkness if you truly have Him to guide you?
How should we react to times of loneliness?
Seek out fellow believers in times of loneliness:
Yeshua asked, ‘How can I describe the Kingdom of YHVH? What story should I use to illustrate it? It is like a tiny mustard seed. Though this is one of the smallest of seeds, it grows to become one of the largest of plants, with long branches where birds can come and find shelter.’ -- Mark 4:30-32. Yeshua used this parable to explain that although the faith had very small beginnings, it would grow into a worldwide community of believers. When you feel alone in your stand for Moshiach, realize that YHVH is building a worldwide Kingdom. He has faithful followers in every part of the world and your faith, no matter how small, can join with that of others to accomplish great things.
Beware of self-pity in times of loneliness:
He replied again, ‘I have zealously served the Adonai Elohim Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with You, torn down Your altars and killed every one of Your prophets. I alone am left and now they are trying to kill me, too.’ -- 1 Kings 19:14. Elijah thought he was the only person left who was still true to YHVH. He had seen both the king’s court and the priesthood become corrupt. After experiencing great victory at Mount Carmel, he had to run for his life. Lonely and discouraged, he forgot that others had remained faithful during the nation’s wickedness. When you are tempted to think that you are the only one remaining faithful to a task, don’t stop to feel sorry for yourself. Self-pity will dilute the good you are doing. Be assured that even if you don’t know who they are, others are faithfully obeying YHVH and fulfilling their duties.
Remember that we are never really alone, because HaRuach is always with us.
It is actually best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Counsellor won’t come. If I do go away, He will come because I will send Him to you. -- John 16:7. In His last moments with His disciples, Yeshua 1 -- warned them about further persecution, 2 -- told them where, when and why He was going and 3 -- assured them that they would not be left alone, but that HaRuach would come. Yeshua knew what lay ahead and He did not want the disciples’ faith shaken or destroyed. YHVH wants you to know you are not alone. You have Ruach HaKodesh to comfort you, teach you truth and help you.
Caring for the lonely can be a cure for loneliness:
Dear friend, you are doing a good work for YHVH when you take care of the travelling teachers who are passing through, even though they are strangers to you. -- 3 John 1:5. In the church’s early days, travelling prophets, evangelists and teachers were helped on their way by people like Gaius, who housed and fed them. Hospitality is a lost art in many communities today. We would do well to invite more people for meals-fellow believers, young people, travelling missionaries, those in need, visitors, widows and orphans. This is an active and much-appreciated way to show your love. In fact, it is probably more important today. Because of our individualistic, self-centred society, there are many lonely people who wonder if anyone cares whether they live or die. If you find such a lonely person, show him or her that you care!
Deuteronomy 9:1 begins "Shema Yisrael" (Hear, Israel!), calling to mind the greatest commandment of all: Love Adonai your God with all your heart, soul, and might! To love God is to trust and obey him. We believe him with all our heart, trust our souls into his keeping, and commit our might to battle. "Who can stand against the Anakim (giants)?" is a pointless question. Instead ask who can stand against God? Israel drove out the Canaanites as a hammer drives a nail. However, the real power is in the hand of the carpenter, not in the hammer.
Get ready for a new homeschooling year. Grab our free download, "Start the New Year Right."
Get ready for a new homeschooling year. Grab our free download, "Start the New Year Right."