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Guest post. Biblical authority from a woman...
Yeshua commanded His Taught ones to wait in the city of Yerushalayim until they were “clothed with power from on high.” On the day of Shavuot the set-apart spirit of YAH was poured out on them giving them special abilities to proclaim the Good News message of Yeshua and Teshuvah to all the nations. The promise of the outpouring of the set-apart spirit of YAH is to every believer in every generation. In this video, G. Steven Simons reveals the power from on high available to every believer and how we are all called to be witnesses of Messiah.
This Sabbath and Shavuot keep both my Mother and I in your daily prayers. #prayerrequest We have been getting sick (er) and undergoing tests. #healingprayers
Being a believer is not a matter of when or where one is born and it is not simply a belief in an invisible thing. Being a believer happens when we are committed enough to our Creator that we are willing to follow His ways and live the way He designed us to live with the hope and knowledge that He will take care of us without fail. If you have ever heard the saying don’t put all of your eggs in 1 basket… it’s OK when we hand that basket to our Creator. Psalm 27; 13, “Still I am certain to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” This is the evidence Paul writes about in Hebrew 11:1. Being certain that our Creator is ready to keep HIs promise to care for us and help everyone who comes to Him and accepts Him as their only God.
Yeshua commanded His Taught ones to wait in the city of Yerushalayim until they were “clothed with power from on high.” On the day of Shavuot the set-apart spirit of YAH was poured out on them giving them special abilities to proclaim the Good News message of Yeshua and Teshuvah to all the nations. The promise of the outpouring of the set-apart spirit of YAH is to every believer in every generation. In this video, G. Steven Simons reveals the power from on high available to every believer and how we are all called to be witnesses of Messiah.