Reminder to all to pray about how God will have you prepare for the coming #famine. Will you wait for the ravens like Elijah or will you store grain like Joseph? The way God has you prepare may not be the same as someone else. #foodshortage
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in the Messiah Yeshua unto good works, which YHVH hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
You shall put out both male and female, putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell.
Numbers 5:3
Lepers and defiled people are isolated from the community in Torah not necessarily because they sinned, but for the protection of the rest of the community and their relationship with God. Ritual uncleanness isn't about dirt or disease per se. It's about contact with death or a loss of life-force. If someone is in such a state of impurity they could accidentally touch a holy object or a priest or someone en route to the altar. That could then cause a serious problem for everyone. When God's presence is right there in the camp with the people, they need to be very cautious. He isn't looking for an excuse to zap anyone, but he's dangerous, like a highly charged capacitor. Touch it without the proper precautions and you could be killed, and it would be your own fault.
Numbers 5:1-4
Reminder to all to pray about how God will have you prepare for the coming #famine. Will you wait for the ravens like Elijah or will you store grain like Joseph? The way God has you prepare may not be the same as someone else. #foodshortage
One of the highest goals we can have for a Bible-believing home is to have all our family members living together in unity. The ideal home is one in which we go beyond a basic desire to see no quarreling or devouring one another (Galatians 5:15). We go even further, and we delight in each other, we are dear to one another, and we promote each other’s welfare by serving one another.
Justin Breithaupt
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Justin Breithaupt
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Blessings to you Sister in Messiah and to your beautiful family!
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