Chag Sameach Shavuot aka Happy Pentecost aka Happy Feast of Weeks! Today has many names in scripture and many applications. One I like to mention frequently is the subject of Shalom. This day is observed with leavened bread as opposed to Passover and ULB. Unleavened Bread is the bead of affliction and carries with it a connotation of chaos. Being chased, being at war, etc. Pentecost is observed with newly leavened bread which carries with it a connotation of peace. The nation would have to be at peace to let the new bread to get leavened. The nation would have been protected by Yahweh as all the war aged men would leave their newly harvested crops and make the trek to Jerusalem! Shalom to you all on this blessed day!
Chag Sameach Shavuot aka Happy Pentecost aka Happy Feast of Weeks! Today has many names in scripture and many applications. One I like to mention frequently is the subject of Shalom. This day is observed with leavened bread as opposed to Passover and ULB. Unleavened Bread is the bead of affliction and carries with it a connotation of chaos. Being chased, being at war, etc. Pentecost is observed with newly leavened bread which carries with it a connotation of peace. The nation would have to be at peace to let the new bread to get leavened. The nation would have been protected by Yahweh as all the war aged men would leave their newly harvested crops and make the trek to Jerusalem! Shalom to you all on this blessed day!