You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it. You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes.
Leviticus 19:26
This verse connects eating blood to divination. There are profound spiritual reasons God said "do this and don't do that". Our lack of understanding of his reasons is irrelevant.
PREMIERING TONIGHT - Be on the look out on our YouTube channel for the premiere of our Home Worship Video Resource 112 which includes part two in the series, "Seven Sabbaths." You will also be able to find links to the video on our website and phone app.
Phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)
WOW, Mother's Day will soon be taken away or changed to Whatever Day. Changed so much that no one will care about it. Or if the Far Left has a complete win in their lifestyle Mother's Day becomes unnecessary with all new babies to be aborted. One woman cried out, I wish I was aborted. To the Left is it ever too late to give her that wish? Just a thought.
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