A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV149 A heap of two heaps Edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:
Has anyone else discovered that the Holy Spirit, Eloah, and Wisdom (from Proverbs, Wisdom of Solomon, etc.) are the same being? That She is Christ's mother, explaining why we saw 2 witnesses in Heaven profess Christ to be their Son on two separate occasions (remember it takes 2 witnesses to establish something is true)? That women submit to their husbands because She submits to the Father? That Eve, Rebekah, and women in general are patterned after her? That the Elohim (El + Eloah) are our divine parents in Heaven and we are created in their image?
She, as the Spirit of Truth, has given me dozens of passages from many books confirming this to be true. I can no longer deny it. I have come to realize that without reading the scriptures in their original Hebrew (e.g. interlinear bible) or leaving holy translations of the gospel to apostates we are allowing unsuspecting innocent people to become polluted with lies.
Additionally, such omission breeds misogyny. There are many men now who believe women are just deformed men when God created us to be Helpers (like Eve) and Comforters (like Rebekah) based on the role the Holy Spirit plays in Heaven (as it is in Heaven). She is so revered that Christ and His Father refuse to forgive anyone who blasphemes Her. Such an instinct is strong in sons who love their mothers and husbands who love their wives. This alone confirms so many scriptures about honoring one's mother and fulfills the commandment to honor one's parents- even if they are unholy... I learned this lesson the hard way and had to seek forgiveness.
? Anyway, there is so much to learn. I feel like I'm getting whiplash from all the unlearning I've had to do in the past few years. I just wanted to know if She has led anyone else here to her identity as well.
Getting ready for Shabbat, and suddenly the 1 year old beef steer decides he isn't going to stay in the fence. You probably know the rhyme, Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon....
It's not ask far fetched as it seems.
David Martin is out there, with a bit more than an hour before sunset driving tposts for a taller, stronger pen. :)
In part two of "Seven Sabbaths," G. Steven Simons explains how it has always been YAH's plan to shine the light of Torah on the nations. Original Yisra'el failed at shining that light, but Yeshua came to be the light of the world and to make it possible for His taught ones to exemplify and proclaim belief obedience to all the nations. https://youtu.be/OdHsOD5YEdY
Phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (App Store)
PREMIERING TONIGHT - Be on the look out on our YouTube channel for the premiere of our Home Worship Video Resource 112 which includes part two in the series, "Seven Sabbaths." You will also be able to find links to the video on our website and phone app. https://youtu.be/xX8Qrx5ka3k
Phone app: Triumph In Truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)