I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.
#galatians 2:20 #bible #epistles #verseoftheday #dailybread #scripture #scripturepictures #scriptureart
#genesis 7 #BibleForBeginners #Bible #BibleStudy #KnowYourBible
The Hebrew paragraph divisions:
6:13-8:14 {s} …
Now we come to a very important teaching tool that God has embedded within the text of the Bible: the Chiastic Structure. The Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, contain chiastic structures from beginning to end. They are one of the thumbprints of God on His Word, that reveal a single divine author from beginning to end, as their beauty, elegance, logic, and symmetry is impossible for a human mind to create in the complexity that they are found in Scripture.
A chiastic structure is a narrative with a central point, which is the key point of the passage. The Spirit highlights that point by having the narrative around it zero in on it like an arrow. The way the narrative zeroes in on the central point is fascinating: let’s say there are four elements or ideas in a passage that leads up to the central point. Following the central point, the same elements or ideas will be repeated in some way, but in reverse order. This makes pairings, as the element immediately preceding the central point is paired by common theme, to the element immediately following the central point, and so on throughout the narrative.
There can be any number of elements or ideas. But that they repeat in reverse order around a central point is the key characteristic. For example, see the Gen 1:1-7:24 Chiasm attached as a pic in the comments.
The central axis concerns the birth of Noah. This History Prophesies, for judgment for sin came upon the earth — the history really happened — but God provided Noah with an ark of salvation. And the prophecy is that judgment for sin is coming upon the earth, but God will provide an ark of salvation. Interestingly enough, John the Baptist upbraided the Pharisees and Saduccees:
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance …” Mat 3:7-8
For the wrath now coming on the world because of unrepented sin, is a wrath of unquenchable fire. But Yeshua is the ark of our salvation!
If there are questions, these are good resources:
What is a Chiastic Structure? – Christine Miller
Gen 1:1-7:24, Chiastic structure, and the C pair – Christine Miller
Chiastic structures in Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5, Gen 6, Gen 7 – Hebraic Faith Bible
Gen 6:9-7:24, The teaching tool of comparison and contrast – Christine Miller
Flood Answers – Answers in Genesis
mewe @ mewe.com/join/a_little_perspective
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
#GoodMorning and #happymonday! April 11 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:
#Bible #DailyBread #mondaymotivation
mewe @ mewe.com/join/a_little_perspective
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
#genesis 6 #BibleForBeginners #Bible #BibleStudy #KnowYourBible
The Hebrew paragraph divisions:
5:32-6:4 {p} Holy Spirit will not strive with flesh forever
6:5-8 {p} Exile a consequence of sin, but Noah found grace in the eyes of YHVH
6:9-12 {s} Righteous Noah contrasted with the corrupt earth
6:13-8:14 {s} …
We have been learning about the teaching tools God has embedded in the text of the Bible, beginning with the Hebrew paragraph divisions. Recall that the strong division, which concludes a topic, is marked by a {p} in my notes, since its Hebrew name begins with the ‘p’ sound. The second division is the weak division, which we haven’t really talked about yet. The weak division concludes a facet of a topic, going on to a new facet, but still staying within the topic already introduced. I mark it with an {s} in my notes, because its Hebrew name begins with the ‘s’ sound. We started seeing weak divisions in Gen 2:
2:4-3:15 {s} Disobedience to YHVH’s command is sin
3:16 {s} Consequences for the woman
3:17-21 {p} Consequences for the man
3:22-24 {s} Exile from YHVH’s presence is a consequence of sin
4:1-26 {s} Exile from family is the consequence of sin
5:1-5 {s} Mortality of Adam
5:6-8 {s} Mortality of Seth
5:9-11 {s} Mortality of Enosh
5:12-14 {s} Mortality of Kenan
5:15-17 {s} Mortality of Mahalalel
5:18-20 {s} Mortality of Jared
5:21-24 {s} Enoch walked with God and did not die
5:25-27 {s} Mortality of Methuselah
5:28-31 {s} Mortality of Lamech
5:32-6:4 {p} The Holy Spirit will not strive with flesh forever
6:5-8 {p} Exile a consequence of sin, but Noah found grace in the eyes of YHVH
6:9-12 {s} Righteous Noah contrasted with the corrupt earth
The mix of strong and weak divisions creates another teaching tool that I call Strong Themes. The very next paragraph in Genesis following the Creation account in Gen 1:1-2:3, is from Gen 2:4-3:15 and is ended with a weak marker {s}. There are more weak paragraphs following, and the next strong marker occurs at the end of Gen 3:21.
2:4-3:15 {s} Disobedience to YHVH’s command is sin
3:16 {s} Consequences for the woman
3:17-21 {p} Consequences for the man
weak facet + weak facet + concluding facet = strong theme
Gen 2:4-3:15 {s} + Gen 3:16 {s} + Gen 3:17-21 {p} = Gen 2:4-3:21 {s+s+p}
Now if Gen 2:4 begins a new strong theme which is concluded in Gen 3:21, Gen 2:3 concludes its own strong theme teaching a single overarching topic:
Gen 1:1-2:3 {px7 (seven concurrent strong facets)} God is our Creator
Gen 2:4-3:21 {s+s+p} Disobedience to God is sin, and carries the consequence of painful toil and death
Gen 3:22 is the start of the next paragraph, which happens to conclude with the weak marker, {s}, so we look for the next {p} marker to find the conclusion of the next strong theme:
3:22-24 {s} Exile from YHVH’s presence is a consequence of sin
4:1-26 {s} Exile from family is the consequence of sin
5:1-5 {s} Mortality of Adam
5:6-8 {s} Mortality of Seth
5:9-11 {s} Mortality of Enosh
5:12-14 {s} Mortality of Kenan
5:15-17 {s} Mortality of Mahalalel
5:18-20 {s} Mortality of Jared
5:21-24 {s} Enoch walked with God and did not die
5:25-27 {s} Mortality of Methuselah
5:28-31 {s} Mortality of Lamech
5:32-6:4 {p} The Holy Spirit will not strive with flesh forever
By making Gen 3:22-6:4 a single strong theme, God is teaching us about three exiles as a result of sin – Adam’s exile from Eden, Cain’s exile from the presence of YHVH and his family, and mankind’s exile from life or the earth in judgment (“I will blot out man from the earth,” Gen 6:7a). Sin precedes each of these exiles. BUT! In the face of mortality, sin, and judgment, we find that Enoch and Noah walked with God and did not die, but found grace in the eyes of YHVH. Thus the strong theme:
3:22-6:4 {sx11+p} Exile and death follows from sin and walking in the flesh; life follows from walking with YHVH.
If there are questions, these are good resources:
Gen 3:22-6:4, Strong theme chiastic structure (stay tuned …)
Gen 5:32-6:4, Sons of God series – Christine Miller
Noah’s Ark answers – Answers in Genesis
mewe @ mewe.com/join/a_little_perspective
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
Check out our updated versions of our Parsha Pearls Gem Seekers and Pearl Seekers Pesach/Chag HaMatzot feast Editions. This special feast edition can be used during the entire week to teach your children about this commanded gathered assembly. Little Gems has an updated Pesach story including new characters as well as an audio link to the story being read! We have a new addition to our felt finger puppet craft in the Gem Seekers. We have instructions, pictures and a video on how to make paper lamb, horseradish and matzah stick puppets. Pearls Seekers has an addition to the Parsha Points as well as more Digging Deeper questions. Our memory verses have Podomatic links to songs that are catchy and fun to learn. We hope these lessons bless your home and feast during this season and as always we would love to hear from you. May you have a blessed Passover season from YMTOI and MTOI! Chag Sameach!
#Pesach #UnleavenedBread #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
Check out our updated versions of our Parsha Pearls Gem Seekers and Pearl Seekers Pesach/Chag HaMatzot feast Editions. This special feast edition can be used during the entire week to teach your children about this commanded gathered assembly. Little Gems has an updated Pesach story including new characters as well as an audio link to the story being read! We have a new addition to our felt finger puppet craft in the Gem Seekers. We have instructions, pictures and a video on how to make paper lamb, horseradish and matzah stick puppets. Pearls Seekers has an addition to the Parsha Points as well as more Digging Deeper questions. Our memory verses have Podomatic links to songs that are catchy and fun to learn. We hope these lessons bless your home and feast during this season and as always we would love to hear from you. May you have a blessed Passover season from YMTOI and MTOI! Chag Sameach!
#Pesach #UnleavenedBread #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
Most traditions and legends have a small kernel of truth in their beginning. For instance the Pilgrims and the natives did eat together during the first American Thanksgiving. Much of the pageantry however is tradition. How dangerous is it when traditions and legends lead us away from the Bible? That can lead to false doctrine, replacement theology and worse. Join us for today’s podcast live at 10 AM Eastern time for Poor Translations Make Bad Tradition.