Abraham was comfortable in the land of his father, Moses was comfortable in the land of Median and even Job was comfortable in his wealth. Our Creator calls us out of our comfortable place to display His glory through our obedience. The question we need to answer is; "Am I willing?" When He asks you to step out of your comfort zone even if it is simply to speak His truth to someone, will you be willing?
Thought for Today: Shabbat March 19:
There was once a little boy who was riding alone in a train, and the scenery was not too interesting. A woman that was sitting beside him asked: Are you tired of the long ride? The little boy smiled and said: I am a little tired but I don’t mind it much. You see, my father is going to meet me when I get there. – Similar, sometimes we get tired of the burdens of life, but we know that Yeshua Moshiach will meet us at the end of our life’s journey, and that makes all the difference. Knowing that we will be with Moshiach forever far outweighs our daily burdens. Keep your eyes on eternity!
Please pray for Sylvia, 19, who has suffered with this benign tumor most of her life. In recent time, it has begun to grow till it has completely covered her eye. We are raising funds for her surgeries that will deal with it in stages. We are getting tests done in Jinja, where costs are cheaper, before we take her to Kampala for surgery. This girl has seldom been out of her village, so going to a huge city such as Kampala can be overwhelming. Please pray for provision and that Sylvia can at long last find relief from this affliction.
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