The original Passover account in the Torah is the story of the deliverance of the children of Yisra'el out of the harsh bondage they experienced in Mitsrayim. Hidden in this epic story are great truths about Messiah Yeshua - the Passover Lamb, the redemption He has provided, and what we are to do to be prepared for the judgment to come. G. Steven Simons clearly and concisely reveals Messiah as the Passover Lamb and challenges all to "take for yourself a lamb."
Yeshua (aka Jesus) makes several startling and puzzling statements about John the Baptist and the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 11:7-14. It raises several questions that I will attempt to answer in this video.
1. How is John the greatest born of woman?
2. How is John both the greatest and still less than the least in the Kingdom of Heaven?
3. How is the Kingdom of Heaven effected by violence between John and "now"?
4. What does it mean for the prophets and law to prophesy until John?
5. How is John Elijah?
Our new video entitled, "Powerful Truths Revealed In The Passover" is premiering SOON - March 18th at 6:30pm CDT (UTC-5). See you in the chat or comments and don't forget you can always view our new video on Rumble.
So there is discussion in the Godhead group on these 'Theology 101' questions. Go there if interested, but for now it a good time to ask the next Question, We've already concluded that Yeshua, 'The Word' is God. So, the question now is: IS JESUS EQUAL TO GOD? Feel free to post questions. DO NOT, however us Phil 2:6 to justify your answer because depending on which translation you use, you can find exactly opposed meanings.