A WSJ article that does a deeper dive than the TGP article that I first posted.
And Moses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water.
Leviticus 8:6
The priests underwent a group mikvah (baptism) in part symbolizing their transition from ordinary Israelite to Priest, dying to one life and being reborn to another.
The High Priest's holiness allowed God to live among Israel, just as Yeshua's sinlessness allows Him to live in us. An unsanctified, unwashed priest is unfit to serve as Priest.
This song is precious to me, for we are called to spread the GOOD NEWS OF MESSIAH!! Each time I hear and sing along with this song it brings tears to my eyes. For Messiah will soon return. May we all gather in the harvest. Don't grow weary in well doing. Lead your brother or sister to The Way❤️
Peter Rambo
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