Thought for Today: Tuesday March 01:
The apostle Paul was many times an example of a disciplined believer. One of those times is when he said: [I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of YHVH, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto Elohim, which is your reasonable service] – Romans 12:1. If we have given ourselves to Moshiach, then He has come to live within us and our bodies are now temples – the dwelling places – of Ruach HaKodesh…. We must pray that our bodies be servants of our spirits, and both our bodies and spirits be servants of Yeshua
The Torah community has not been good at determining when it is appropriate to break fellowship. We can do better. For starters none of us will have everything right. NONE. ZIP. NADA. So we have to know what constitutes a false teaching that would be worthy of us breaking fellowship. This requires discernment of the Holy Spirit and clearly marked red lines from Scripture. #fellowship #worship
Oh my Elohim!!! ???
I have always felt like there might be Jewish roots in my genealogy, just a feeling in my spirit. Tonight I felt moved to look up the origin of my great grandparents' surnames on my Dad's side. They immigrated from Portugal. That and their names was all I had to go on.
Apparently there IS a strong possibility they were!!!
Both surnames were common to the Jewish population in Portugal and Spain at the time. Then I also have Cherokee ?, Irish, Scottish and German on my mother's side.
I'm just so incredibly ....
There's no name for the emotion but increased yearning.
Their names were Joseph Duarte and Marie Botelho.
Well this is awkward... #ukraine #russia
This is my last chance.
I’ve got less than 12 hours to hit my End-of-Month goal so that I can stop the Socialist agenda and my Cheech and Chong opponent. Will you please rush what you can below to help me out?
I don’t have anywhere else to turn, and I’ve got to hit my fundraising deadline by midnight.
Rush your support here:
- Senator John Kennedy
For YHWH is enraged against all the nations, and furious against all their host; he has devoted them to destruction, has given them over for slaughter.
Isaiah 34:2
"Devoted to destruction" isn't hyperbole. This will literally happen, but not until the very end, when the earth itself is destroyed. See verse 4.
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Stubbornness of heart leads to led poisoning...
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, March 2nd.
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Stubbornness of heart leads to led poisoning...
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, March 2nd.
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#mondaymotivation #Torah #Yahweh #Yeshua #Elohim #Messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #evil
Your cords hang loose; they cannot hold the mast firm in its place or keep the sail spread out. Then prey and spoil in abundance will be divided; even the lame will take the prey.
Isaiah 33:23
This is referring to the Assyrians who were unable to stand against the power of YHVH and who are despoiled by the weakest of Israel. Under our own power, we would never be sufficient to stand against the Adversary, but with God on our side, who can stand against us?