Shalom dear fellow Shofar Blowers and Listeners!
? Here is your Meeting Link:
We are Looking forward to sounding the Shofar with you in Jerusalem,
Camp Ephraim
Are you ready to prepar your heart and mind for the #springfeasts?
Did you miss the service this weekend? Here is part 6 from Daniel Joseph
On this date in history, 02/28/1844: A main gun on the 5 month old USS Princeton explodes, killing six people, including the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Navy, and the father of President Tyler's fiancée. The President was also onboard, but was uninjured. #otd #tdih #navalhistory
Live at 10 AM Eastern Standard time, You Will Know It When You See It, Your spirit will recognize the truth. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
While I never pictured it like this, I held this view most of my life. I would tell you that before the flood only plants could be eaten, after the flood all animals, and so on... This implies that eating such animals move from a sin state to a not-a-sin state. You will notice there are no Bible verses here and this is to point out that there isn't Scripture that supports this view.
What hope do we have if our God changes what the definition of sin is depending on whatever "age" we are in? What hope do we have that He won't change more important matters, like who our Savior is?
These questions and more are a big reality to the view of Dispensationalism. God says in Amos 3:7 that He does nothing without revealing to His prophets first. There is nothing in the Prophets that talk about sin changing. In Malachi 3:6, God says He does not change. I've recently seen people write off someone who uses this verse to go against a change in the Law, but listen for a minute:
God cannot sin. I think we all agree on that. If we take Dispensationalism to its logical conclusion, that God cannot sin, and God can change the definition of sin, then the reason God cannot sin is because He can define what sin is based on His whims.
Is that Just? Is that Right? Or does that sound more like what a human would do, which God tells us he isn't: Numbers 23:19 - God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should change his mind.
#bible #biblestudy #torahobservant #hebrewroots #messianic #christian #comic #webcomic #wwjd
The world may persecute you for attempting to live a Biblical lifestyle, but the Creator will do much worse if you hear His truth and reject it. The choice is our to make. We can reject the world and learn to live the way we are designed to live or we can reject our Creator and die. The lame reason for failure that the world tries to use saying you can’t earn your way into heaven is not relevant to someone who completely trusts the Creator. No one can earn their way into heaven, but you can certainly earn your way out, simply by rejecting the creator and His blessings. More on this in today’s podcast listen live at 10AM Eastern time or when it is convenient for you.
Hi everyone,
If anyone is looking at spreading the message and would like to join others for study and worship around the Leeds (UK) area please let me know. You can visit our new ministry website @ You will get some idea of us and the vision.
In Brief: We have a growing online fellowship throughout the UK and abroad. We meet with other messianic pastors in the UK. Our ministry is itinerate - Our group gathers together for the feasts and other occasions.
For more info, please contact me directly at the following email.
or via our website contact form.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Blessings and Shalom.
You can check out my personal ministry site too.