SPIRITUAL WARFARE ALERT WITH REMEDY FROM A SAINT IN THE KNOW ABOUT SATANIC ACTIVITY:This morning while I was praying and thinking about the SatanCon event in Scottdale on 2/11-13 (this weekend), I felt like I really didn’t have any authority to directly combat this dedication of the city to Satan since I would not be there nor was I connected to Arizona. But I was connected to my state, my county, my city, my precinct. I received my voter registration card in the mail this week. It says I have a legal right to participate in everything listed on the card. I felt like the Lord was saying, “They want to dedicate Scottsdale. You dedicate your town to God where you have authority so that Satan loses rights to your territory. Get others to dedicate their towns and he will lose even more territory. The enemy will lose more territory than he gains by doing that.”
This is really the first time that I have felt that all of us could be on assignment with the army of God that would mobilize all over the country at the same time for the same purpose!
So I asked God what to do. This is what I felt impressed to suggest: By this Friday (February 11, before the convention), go to your city hall and pray to dedicate your local government and the physical governmental offices to the Lord and ask for protection since it could be under attack during this time. Build a hedge of protection. Ask the Lord to send warrior/protection angels. Include your legal right to do it – my proof is on my voter registration card. God says that everywhere Israel walked, the territory was theirs. We are claiming American territory for the Kingdom. Pray for city officials and upcoming elections. Declare that your city belongs to the Kingdom of God. Sing a worship song. Demonstrate the binding to God with communion. If you feel that you can, share communion with the land. Maybe go to all four corners of the property. God was pleased when Solomon dedicated the Temple and His glory filled the Temple so much so that the priests could not stand to minister.
There will be other groups there which could become confrontational, so pray for the love of Jesus to be shed abroad through our hearts and that peace would flow like a river from believers. Overcome evil with good.
Another day, maybe drive by and verbally confirm the dedication.
Afterwards, rebuild/strengthen the wall that may have been damaged. Thank the Lord for what He has done. Have communion again.
The enemy wants to see if we will lay down and let him have one city and do nothing.
This came from: https://ifapray.org/blog/world....s-largest-satanic-ga
This coming week, February 13-19 (12-18 Adar I 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Ki Tisa (When You Elevate).
13 Feb Exodus 30:11-31:17 1 Chronicles 17:1-18:17 Luke 17:1-19 Psalm 68:1-7
14 Feb Exodus 31:18-33:11 1 Chronicles 19:1-21:17 Luke 17:20-37 Psalm 68:8-19
15 Feb Exodus 33:12-16 1 Chronicles 21:18-22:19 Luke 18:1-17 Psalm 68:20-35
16 Feb Exodus 33:17-23 1 Chronicles 23:1-32 Luke 18:18-34 Proverbs 14:1-5
17 Feb Exodus 34:1-9 1 Chronicles 24:1-31 Luke 18:35-19:10 Proverbs 14:6-10
18 Feb Exodus 34:10-26 1 Chronicles 25:1-31 Luke 19:11-28 Proverbs 14:11-15
19 Feb Exodus 34:27-35 1 Kings 18:1-39 Luke 19:29-48 Proverbs 14:16-20
The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2021-22 (Hebrew year 5782) is available at this link:
You shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beaten olive oil for the light, that a lamp may regularly be set up to burn.
#exodus 27:20
Olive oil is healing, comforting, and enlightening. It is an image of the Holy Spirit (the Ruach haKodesh in Hebrew), and beaten oil is deliberate refinement in/of/by the Holy Spirit. #tetzaveh
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