Live at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time, When The Creator Speaks, looking at the last half of Psalm 50. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
Going through things without knowing what to do is like driving a boat on the ocean without a map or land marks.
I've had some people point in the general direction. some people want to help me, but maybe don't know where I'm at.
some people have asked, "is this real?" and that has hurt pretty bad since I shouldn't have to convince them that I'm telling the truth above all else!
I need daily prayer as to being able to do the necessary things for THIS DAY!
I pray for all helpers who are being led to give us a hand.
I pray for my wallet to be located as I misplaced it in all the chaos from the return trip home the other night.
I pray for me as I solo parent and wait for my husband's trial and outcome.
Thank you all so much! encouragement welcome
The term [Moshiach,] does not belong strictly to the teachings of Yeshua, since He Himself never used it. However, He accepted this title in Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi. All the synoptic Gospels -- Matthew, Mark and Luke record the confession [You are the Moshiach] while Matthew adds a significant comment by Yeshua. He notes that YHVH Himself, [My Father Who is in heaven,] gave Peter this insight -- Matthew 16:17. Yeshua certainly accepted the confession and regarded it as revelation. He also did not refute being the Moshiach in His answer to the high priest’s question [Are you the Moshiach?] -- Mark 14:61. In John’s Gospel, Andrew tells Peter that he had found the Moshiach -- John 1:41; the woman at Samaria also talks to Yeshua and He reveals that He is the Moshiach -- 4:25-26. There was a widespread expectation among the Jews that a deliverer would come to overthrow their political enemies, the Romans. There were various ideas about his origin [a military leader or a heavenly warrior] and his methods. The Zealots believed that deliverance could come only through armed revolution. No wonder Yeshua hesitated to broadcast His title as Moshiach.
Son of YHVH:
The title [Son of YHVH] occurs mainly in John’s Gospel. Mark and John both regarded Yeshua in this light -- compare to Mark 1:1; John 20:30-31. There are certainly passages where the Moshiach is linked with the Son of YHVH and where Yeshua rejects neither title -- compare to Matthew 16:16. But in the teachings of Yeshua, one passage makes abundantly clear the special relationship that Yeshua had with YHVH as Son; namely, -- 11:27 also Luke 10:22, a parallel passage, where Yeshua implies that He is the Son of the Father. Many similar passages in John’s Gospel are however, more explicit. The Son is unquestionably pre-existent; living before time began. Yeshua knows He came from the Father and would return to the Father. Yeshua regarded Himself as divine; He was fully YHVH. However, John portrays Yeshua most clearly in His earthly nature as well; He was also fully human. Nowhere in the teachings of Yeshua did He explain how YHVH could become man, but He assumed this as a fact. As YHVH’s Son, He taught with the authority of YHVH.
Teachings About the Kingdom of YHVH:
No one can read the synoptic Gospels without noting how often the [Kingdom of YHVH] occurs. Many of the parables of Yeshua are specifically called parables of the Kingdom. Yeshua’s concept of the Kingdom was a basic idea of the Christian gospel. The main idea is the rule of YHVH over people rather than a physical realm that belongs to YHVH. In other words, the emphasis is on the active reigning of YHVH as King. YHVH’s Kingdom consists of the relationships between the members and the King. It also means the Kingdom will not be expressed in institutional terms. There is one problem with the Kingdom teachings that must be faced: its timing. Some sayings imply that it is already present, while others suggest that it will not come until the future. Some scholars don’t believe that the present and future can be held together; therefore, they reject one and concentrate on the other. Those who maintain a present understanding of the Kingdom developed the idea of a social gospel; what happens in the here and now. According to this view, there is no place for a future arrival of the Kingdom; only an emphasis on establishing a Kingdom that helps the poor and needy. On the other hand, some concentrate only on the future Kingdom. In this case, it is difficult to see in what sense the Kingdom teachings are relevant. Yet others have insisted that since both present and future aspects are found in the Gospel records, no explanation is satisfying that denies one at the expense of the other. One possible solution is to regard the present aspects as applying to this age but as not reaching their fulfilment until the future establishment of the Kingdom. A similar solution, expressed differently, is to maintain that the reality is a future Kingdom but that it has spilled over into the present. Yeshua intentionally included both present and future aspects.
The Present Kingdom:
That the Kingdom was a theme of common interest is clear from -- Luke 17:20-21, where the Pharisees asked Yeshua when it was coming. They were looking for the Moshiach to establish a political overthrow of the Romans. His answer, that it was [among them,] is clearly a present idea. Evil spirits were also exorcised as evidence that the Kingdom had arrived -- Matthew 12:28; Luke 11:20. Moreover, Yeshua mentioned that the Kingdom had been forcefully advancing -- Matthew 11:12, but not by revolutionary methods. Still, something dynamic was already happening. This idea of dynamic power is one of the most characteristic features of the Kingdom. Yeshua spoke of binding the strong, armed man -- Luke 11:21-22, which shows that in His Ministry He expected to give a powerful demonstration against the forces of darkness. It is evident that the Kingdom Yeshua proclaimed, present or future was a Kingdom in which YHVH was supreme. The Kingdom was part of His mission, in which YHVH was bringing spiritual deliverance to His people. Moreover, the Kingdom teachings of Yeshua are part of the total message. No part of that message can be separated from any other part without distorting the whole.
The Future Kingdom:
The parables have the clearest teachings on the future aspect of the Kingdom -- Matthew 13. The discourse on the Mount of Olives is equally telling -- Matthew 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 21. In the latter, Yeshua spoke of the future using imagery drawn from Jewish literature. He references clouds, glory and angels in relation to the coming of the Son of Man -- Mark 13:26-27. Matthew references a trumpet call, another familiar feature -- Matthew 24:31.Various features from the Kingdom parables give the clearest idea of the nature of the Kingdom. Membership in the Kingdom is not considered to be universal, for in the parable of the sewer not all the soils [people] enjoy the same results. The same distinction is seen in the parable of the tares and the parable of the dragnet. The tares are destroyed and only the wheat is harvested. The members of the Kingdom are those who hear and understand the Word of the Kingdom -- Matthew 13:23. For all our racial, cultural and gender differences, there are only two kinds of people in the world: saved and unsaved. There are members of the Kingdom and outsiders. Each person must individually respond to Yeshua’s offer of salvation in order to be part of the Kingdom. There is an emphasis on growth in the parable of the mustard seed, where small beginnings grow into big things. The parables of the treasure and the pearl underline the value of the Kingdom. The universal character of the Kingdom comes out sharply in the parable of the vineyard, where the Kingdom is taken away from the non-believing Jews and is given to another [nation.] This likely refers to the non-Jewish people, the Gentiles -- Matthew 21:43 entrance into the Kingdom. Yeshua Commanded His disciples to preach to all nations -- 28:19. This worldwide Kingdom gave Gentiles and Jews equal status; a revolutionary thought for Israel.
Yeshua was the greatest Moreh (Teacher) who ever lived. Yet He was much more than that. As YHVH’s Son, His teachings were truth. His mission was to instruct others how to know YHVH. His main message was that YHVH wants to love us and to know us. He taught while He walked with His followers. He taught from a boat, a hillside, a home and the temple. He taught in sermons, but He preferred to use a story or parable. Many people have questions about what Yeshua said on a lot of topics. What did He teach about YHVH? What did He think about Himself? What did He mean when He spoke about the Kingdom? What was the meaning of His death? What did He say about Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)? How did He describe human beings and their needs? What about the Christian church? Did He teach anything about the end of the world? What were the main features of His moral teaching? The following sections will seek to answer these important questions.
Teachings About YHVH:
Anyone who comes to the teachings of Yeshua after reading the Old Testament will at once recognize that the teachings about YHVH are parallel. Yeshua taught that YHVH was the Creator, caring for His creation and watching over such small creatures as the sparrow -- Matthew 10:29. There is no support in the teachings of Yeshua for the view that YHVH is uninterested in the world He made. Yeshua reminds us that He is YHVH of details; intimately concerned with our lives. One of the most characteristic titles Yeshua used for YHVH was Father. This was not new, for the idea occurs in the Old Testament, where YHVH is seen as Father of His people Israel. This kind of fatherhood was national rather than personal. In the time period between the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Jews came to regard YHVH as so Holy that He was removed from direct contact with human affairs. In fact, they believed there had to be mediators between YHVH and people. This exalted notion of YHVH contradicted the idea of YHVH as a personal, loving Father. This is why Yeshua’s teachings on the personal fatherhood of YHVH were so unique. There is some evidence in Jewish teachings that praying to YHVH as [Our Father] was mentioned. However, what distinguishes Yeshua from His contemporaries is that the fatherhood of YHVH was central to what he taught. The Father-Son relationship is particularly vivid in John’s Gospel, where Yeshua as Son is seen to be in close communion with YHVH as Father. This comes out strongly in Yeshua’s prayer in -- John 17 and in the frequent assertions that the Father had sent the Son and that the Son was doing the will of the Father. It is this strong relationship between YHVH and Yeshua in terms of Fatherhood and Son-ship that led Yeshua to teach people to approach YHVH in the same way. The Adonai’s Prayer at once recognizes this in its opening words. It is particularly important to note that [Our Father] comes before [Hallowed be Thy Name.] Yeshua never taught us to approach YHVH with terror. He wants us to come to Him as a respectful child would come to a loving Father. Yeshua addressed YHVH as Father and taught His disciples to approach YHVH similarly but with a distinction. Yeshua spoke of [My Father and your Father] when He appeared to Mary Magdalene after His resurrection -- John 20:17 --, but He did not say “our Father.” His Son-ship was unique, for He claimed that He and the Father were one -- 10:30. In the Sermon on the Mount, Yeshua assured His followers that their heavenly Father knew about their needs -- Matthew 6:32; Luke 12:30. We should present our needs to YHVH to demonstrate our dependence on Him.
Teachings About Himself:
What Yeshua said about Himself is of great importance, for this is what the early Church came to teach about Him. Yeshua used certain titles to describe Himself or accepted them when others used them.
Son of Man:
The most widely used is Son of Man. Sometimes he related this directly to His public Ministry, like the saying that the Son of Man was Adonai of the Shabbat -- Mark 2:28 or that the Son of Man had authority to forgive sins -- 2:10. Sometimes the sayings dealt with His sufferings, as when Yeshua said that the Son of Man must suffer many things -- 8:31; note that Matthew 16:21 has [He] instead of [Son of Man]. At other times, the reference is to a future appearance, as when Yeshua declared to the high priest that He would see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of YHVH and coming on the clouds of heaven -- Mark 14:62. What did Yeshua mean by the title and why did He use it? The title [Son of Man] occurs in --Psalm 8:4, where it refers to man or humans. The expression is also used many times in Ezekiel to address the prophet, but here also it means man. A rather different use occurs in -- Daniel 7:13, where one like a son of man comes with the clouds before the Ancient of Days [YHVH Himself]. There is a strong similarity between this passage and the words of Yeshua in -- Mark 14:62. But an important difference is that whereas Son of Man becomes a title in Mark, it is not so in Daniel. There is some evidence for the title in Jewish literature where it represents a pre-existent being that will come to judge and overthrow the enemies of YHVH. Yeshua’s use of Son of Man as a title is unique. The Son of Man sayings are distributed throughout the four Gospels and there are no significant differences in their uses. Yeshua used this title, but the early Christians did not commonly use it. In fact, only in -- Acts 7:56 does the title appear, in this case used by Stephen. It is clear, therefore, that it had a special meaning for Yeshua that it did not have for others. There is no doubt that He was referring to Himself and not to someone else, as a careful study of all the Son of Man sayings shows. Those who think that Yeshua was referring to someone else arrive at this conclusion only after first dispensing with some of the sayings. The most probable reason why He used the title Son of Man was because he wanted to avoid a term like Moshiach, which carried with it too many political overtones. But what did Son of Man mean to Yeshua? It is rich with the idea of humanness, possibly referring to Daniel’s “son of man” and perhaps a touch of the suffering servant idea from -- Isaiah 53. It is most likely that Yeshua saw it in terms of His mission in a way that His hearers could not fully appreciate. It is also probable that the early church preferred Moshiach because this title carried the meaning of a royal deliverer. Also, after the death of Yeshua, there would be no further fear of political misunderstanding.
The materials and dimensions of the #tabernacle and furnishings aren't arbitrary or merely practical. Every detail contains profound meaning….if only we knew how. The mystical meaning of the Tabernacle materials, etc, was probably common knowledge at one time. At the very least, it was better known than today. Based on how the various elements are used throughout the rest of Scripture (God likes to reuse patterns), I have some thoughts about some of them. Your mileage may vary, of course.
#GoodMorning and #happythursday! February 10 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:
One important study from today is the Scriptural examination into The Time of Trouble:
#Bible #DailyBread #thankfulthursday
mewe @
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
There is nothing sweeter than knowing our sins are forgiven us and having a clean conscience before Yah! May we strive to seek Him diligently throughout our busy days by staying in constant communion through the indwelling Spirit by prayers and supplications. May we fervently seek His wisdom, strength and discernment in these last days where so much deception abounds.
"let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." Hebrews 10:22 "Draw near to Yahweh and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." James 4:8 "A Psalm of Asaph. Truly Yahweh is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart." Psalm 73:1 #daughtersofyah