First Strat but 3rd build overall. [#0003]
#guitar #customguitar #luthier #psalm98_4 #guitarist #worshipmusic #guitarplayer
Psalm 50; 10—12, “Every animal of the forest is mine. The cattle on a thousand hills are mine. I know every bird on the mountains. Every living thing in the fields are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you. The world and everything on it are mine.” Our Creator never sold His creation and He did not give it away. One simple truth that mankind should remember is that our Creator dies’t need us, He chooses to tolerate the rejection of many to embrace the few who desire to have that personal relationship with Him. How are we too satisfy a Creator who has everything? We learn to live the way He designed us to live, that alone is the greatest form of worship we can offer.
"I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger is turned away from him."
#Hosea 14:4 #Bible #Prophets #VerseOfTheDay #DailyBread #Scripture #ScripturePictures #scriptureart
#GoodMorning and #happythursday! February 10 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:
One important study from today is the Scriptural examination into The Time of Trouble:
#Bible #DailyBread #thankfulthursday
mewe @
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
If any one lack of Wisdom and/or Discernment one should seek Yah for them in prayer and Believe in ones heart that they will receive them with Thankfulness. When one can not see the bigger picture, one should seek Yah for His truth and righteousness over the matter. Many will be deceived by the deceiver and their love will grow cold and they will turn away from their faith for they did not stand on His Word and seek Him daily in ALL things.
A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV144 Wholeheartedness edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:!AnSLUHc48Z....A-gbVGk2bOTOafPYRKsQ
David Martin
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