Thought for Today: Monday February 07:
Let YHVH’s Presence override everything you experience. Like a luminous veil of Light, He hover over you and everything around you. He is training you to stay conscious of Him in each situation you encounter. When Jacob ran away from his enraged brother Esau, he went to sleep on a stone pillow in a land that seemed desolate. But after dreaming about heaven and angels and promises of YHVH Presence, he woke and exclaimed: [Surely Adonai Elohim is in this place and I was not aware of it] His discovery was not only for him but for all who seek YHVH. Whenever you feel distant from YHVH, say for yourself: Surely Adonai Elohim is with me, then ask Him to give you awareness of His Presence. This is one prayer He delights to answer.
I have Lawful Money Silver rounds to trade. Anyone willing to sell their goods and services for these?
I have Lawful Money Silver rounds to trade. Anyone willing to sell their goods and services for these?
I have Lawful Money Silver rounds to trade. Anyone willing to sell their goods and services for these?
How do I start a home business? And, doing ...WHAT?!? Maybe these are your thoughts...
Here are some ideas.
So, in recent days, I have recommended Durable Trades, I've talked about being very intentional in establishing and using a networked economy specifically for kol Israel, I've repeatedly said, ' #shopfamilyfirtst '.... Maybe you are asking yourself, "But, what? How? ..."
Let me throw some ideas out there:
1. Seek Yah!! What does HE want?
2. Fear is your enemy... do not succumb!
3. What do you already know how to do? What skills can you parlay? What interests do you have?
4. Consumables are best!! Jewelry makers may be glamorous, but when the cr@p hits the fan, soapmakers have greater value....;
5. What are needs that you can fill?
6. Think about a business or product that can be sold to the world while bringing profit and value into the Family!!
7. Be able to pivot. (Self as example, I'm learning leatherworking with the goal of repairing shoes and making carry bags/ backpacks and yurts. But, those are low sale items right now... Instead, I develop the skill while selling other items that the world wants/ 'needs.')
Hope these ideas help. Please add your thoughts in the comments. #shopfamilyfirst and join the conversation in #bekolisrael as a #nationalistic family!!
Hey Rhy Bezuidenhout, I've been curious for awhile. What is the "Wave" feature? What happens when I hit "wave" on people's profiles? Thanks!
The story of #yeshua and the demon possessed men in the country of the Gadarenes (Matthew 8:28-34) contains several very odd elements.
-Was this in the country of the Gadarenes or the Gergesenes?
-Mark and Luke say there was one demoniac. Why does Matthew say there were two?
-When are the demons expecting to be tormented?
-Why do the demons want to go into the pigs?
-Why do the pigs run into the water?
-Why do the Gadarenes beg Yeshua to leave their country?
In this video, I do my best to answer these questions with the limited information available to us.