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Admittedly it is so much easier to be around those who are joyful, whose life seems to be "perfect," but that's just not reality. HIS children constantly have darts thrown at them by the adversary and sometimes, we struggle. There are times when we All need someone who has a willing heart to lend us an ear, to empathize with us, to help us move forward, to remind us to whom we belong.
Be aware of those around you today who may need your shoulder. Those who perhaps only need to know that someone sees them...that someone cares, even if that person is a stranger to you.
You just may be the only Yeshua someone sees today. Reflect HIS Light and show someone they are loved more than they can possibly imagine...
I'm not interested in whether you've stood with the great...I'm interested in whether you've sat with the broken.
Admittedly it is so much easier to be around those who are joyful, whose life seems to be "perfect," but that's just not reality. HIS children constantly have darts thrown at them by the adversary and sometimes, we struggle. There are times when we All need someone who has a willing heart to lend us an ear, to empathize with us, to help us move forward, to remind us to whom we belong.
Be aware of those around you today who may need your shoulder. Those who perhaps only need to know that someone sees them...that someone cares, even if that person is a stranger to you.
You just may be the only Yeshua someone sees today. Reflect HIS Light and show someone they are loved more than they can possibly imagine...
I'm not interested in whether you've stood with the great...I'm interested in whether you've sat with the broken.
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The ultimate expression of discipleship... That's your calling!!
Powerful soundbites from this week's episode. The full teaching will be available Wednesday, November 24th.
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#mondaymotivation #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #loveandtorah
Chances are this day is going to be full of challenges for you. Embrace them...Keeping Yeshua in your sights always...Knowing that you already have the Victory through HIM who goes before you [HE's already won every battle!!]...Knowing that HIS own Never Walk Alone! HalleluYAH!!
Boker Tov, Hebrew Nation <3
"'Though the mountains depart and the hills be shaken, My Love will not depart from you nor will My Covenant of peace be shaken,' says Adonai who has compassion on you.'" ~ Yeshayahu [Isaiah] 54:10
Chances are this day is going to be full of challenges for you. Embrace them...Keeping Yeshua in your sights always...Knowing that you already have the Victory through HIM who goes before you [HE's already won every battle!!]...Knowing that HIS own Never Walk Alone! HalleluYAH!!
Boker Tov, Hebrew Nation <3
"'Though the mountains depart and the hills be shaken, My Love will not depart from you nor will My Covenant of peace be shaken,' says Adonai who has compassion on you.'" ~ Yeshayahu [Isaiah] 54:10
It's HERE! Our brand new Chanukah Edition Katan A Gem Seekers and Katan B/Gadol Pearl Seekers lessons just in time for Chanukah 2021 starting November 29 (1st candle lighting is Sunday night November 28).
This is a special Parsha Pearls lesson designed specifically for the feast of Chanukah. Although Chanukah is not mentioned in the Tanakh, there is a reference to it in John 10:22-23, where it says that Yeshua was in the Set-apart Place during Chanukah. Chanukah, like the festival of Purim, is not an appointed time of Yahweh. However, many observe and celebrate it to remember Yahweh’s faithfulness and deliverance to His chosen people. There are many lessons to glean from the history of this national celebration, and that is why we have created this edition.
You can find these lessons as well as all our Feast Editions and weekly Parsha lessons at:
#chanukah #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi
It's HERE! Our brand new Chanukah Edition Katan A Gem Seekers and Katan B/Gadol Pearl Seekers lessons just in time for Chanukah 2021 starting November 29 (1st candle lighting is Sunday night November 28).
This is a special Parsha Pearls lesson designed specifically for the feast of Chanukah. Although Chanukah is not mentioned in the Tanakh, there is a reference to it in John 10:22-23, where it says that Yeshua was in the Set-apart Place during Chanukah. Chanukah, like the festival of Purim, is not an appointed time of Yahweh. However, many observe and celebrate it to remember Yahweh’s faithfulness and deliverance to His chosen people. There are many lessons to glean from the history of this national celebration, and that is why we have created this edition.
You can find these lessons as well as all our Feast Editions and weekly Parsha lessons at:
#chanukah #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #ymtoi