With each day that passes, I grow more and more anxious for this time to Rest in HIS Presence – every single week. What a Joy it will be when every day will be a Shabbat, with us learning at HIS Feet. I long for that time too.
I pray your rest is so Blessed by the Giver of All Blessings...
Shabbat Shalom, Covenant Keepers ?
"My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest..." ~ Sh'mot [Exodus] 33:14
It's time to put aside the world for a bit...We've got an appointment with our Creator!!
Blessed are You, LORD our GOD, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your Commandments, and Commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar.
Yahweh is Calling the Body of Messiah to Gather…
Sound the Shofar…Shabbat Is Here!!
Shabbat Shalom, Remnant <3
It's time to put aside the world for a bit...We've got an appointment with our Creator!!
Blessed are You, LORD our GOD, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your Commandments, and Commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar.
Yahweh is Calling the Body of Messiah to Gather…
Sound the Shofar…Shabbat Is Here!!
Shabbat Shalom, Remnant <3
Canadian Labor Board Rejects Vaccine Mandates!
7 minute video:
Shabbat Shalom Chaverim
anda late Chodesh Tov! (or what is left of it)
And I’m ok with “not fitting the mold”! ♥️ I’m not living my life for man, I’m living it for Adonai! ♥️ #relationshipnotreligion #liveanddieinfaith
Shalom on this erev Shabbat, everyone. We’ll be back at our hall this week. Please study Luke 5 and 6 ahead of time so we can have some robust discussion!
Our Zoom link and physical address are on our home page. We start at 1pm Central. https://www.thewordandtheway.net/
In Yeshua,
Then YHVH said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”
Genesis 31:3
God sent Jacob back to Canaan from Haran. If Jacob had gone the other direction, like Jonah, would God still have gone with him? I think, again like Jonah, God would have gone against him. God had a plan, and nobody was going to get in his way.
What is a Chiastic Structure? I've been talking a lot about them lately. I have unburied the mention of it from the Teaching Tools post, and added several examples, with explanation, from the new Genesis in Chiastic Structure book, as well as the Exodus in Chiastic Structure book currently being prepared for publication.
#ChiasticStructure #TeachingTools #Torah #knowyourbible