Our family of 3 is located in SW Virginia, thankfully near enough to other followers of Torah that we don't have to feel completely isolated. We've been in the walk for almost 2 years now. So thankful for the fellowship we have right now.
We stumbled into this walk backwards. We didn't do any traditional holidays for 5+ years prior to Torah study. The day before Yom Teruah 2019, hubs and I did a mikvah/baptism. After that, the Father changed our course and showed us His ways. Two weeks before Hanukkah 2019, we went to an organized church for the first time in 15 years that is feasts and sabbath. (We met in homes previously.) We spent our first feast cycle with that church. We now meet in homes again with other believers.
Interestingly enough, hubs has a podcast that he named Path to Zion PRIOR to our walking into the feasts and sabbath. Father's ways and timing are perfect. :) - Kristin
Paul wrote, "To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law."
When he went to the Temple to offer sacrifices, was he just pretending to still be a good, Torah-observant Jew so that other Jews would be more willing to listen to him?
Or did he mean something else by this statement?
Good morning Mishpocha :) <3
What are some of the ways you and your family celebrate and honor Shabbat? If you have children, what special activities do you do with them?
My husband and I have this really cool purple tent that we call the "Sabbath Sukkah" where we'll bring it out and let the kids put blankets and pillows in there. We set it up in the living room so they can watch Bible-based movies and such. We'll do reading together as a family, as well as hubby and I do our independent studies.
I'm just looking for more creative ideas to make Shabbat fun for everyone <3
Robin Eldridge
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Iain Mcclain_wilhelm Melket Näher
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