Today's Poem:
The Wedding
You're invited to my wedding
I'm going to be a bride
Yahuah made this match in heaven
When He laid my sins aside
The Groom I'll have is perfect
He led a sinless life
Then gave Himself to save my soul
So I could be His wife
The wedding feast will be quite grand
I hope that you'll be there
He gave His life for your soul too
It's a bride-ship we can share
My wedding lamp is filled with oil
For the Groom I long to see
He'll soon be coming in a cloud
In all His majesty
Patiently I wait for Him
In hopes He'll soon return
Hoping all the world gets saved
And no one has to burn
There is a job been given me
While I await the Groom
I must tell this sinful world
He's risen from His tomb
He'll be coming back one day
He'll come to take His bride
And those who have refused His love
Will have no place to hide
Those of us who live for Him
In whom He does abide
Shall all be at the wedding feast
For we shall be His bride
Because the Bridegroom's perfect
And I've been born again
We'll soon be on our honeymoon
And it shall never end
Today's Prayer:
Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You have made us for Yourself and for Your love. We seek Your presence and desire to give our lives and our love to You. Blessed are You our King for You are one. Adonai, may Your presence be revealed through Your Church. May we never be satisfied with words without content, with actions without love and with groups that do not convey Your presence.
Adonai, fill us with Your Spirit and make us a holy people, a fulfilled people and a missionary people. Bless Your Church that it may grow in outreach, in holiness and in number. Avi, You have given us a wonderful world. Let us not destroy it with greed or lack of respect. We pray for all who suffer from hunger and thirst. We pray for all who do not have proper water supplies and who have to walk miles to get water.
We pray for all people in the consumer society who try to fill their lives with things and are never satisfied. We give thanks for the longings You have given us. We ask for Your blessing upon all our friends, families and loved ones. We ask for Your blessing for all who are lonely, those who are failing in health or strength and all who live with fear due to crime, war and violence.
We give thanks for all the joy, happiness and freedom You give to our lives. We pray for those who are captive to vice and drugs, all who are suffering from the misuse of alcohol. We pray for their families who also suffer. We pray for the sick, those who care for them and all working with and in the emergency services. May Your blessing rest on each of them. In the power of Your Spirit we ask that You renew and refresh each of us.
We pray for all who are departed from us, that they may rejoice in the fullness of eternal life. To You and Your love Eloheinu, we commit this world, our loved ones and ourselves, now and for eternity. In the Name of Yeshua Mashiach we pray, amen.
#readmethebiblegarth now includes the whole epistle 2 John in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Noach (Obedience - Repentance - Forgiveness)
There are three things a believer should always remember:
1. The life in front of you and the eternal life ahead of you are more important than the life behind you.
2. Ask yourself if what you are doing today will please Yahuah and will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.
3. Don't punish yourself and be a prisoner of your past, it was just lessons and not a life sentence. See that lessons as stepping stones to something better. Thus, stay focused, stay motivated and remember we will always be stronger as believers, united as one in the Body of Moshiach.