I support a one world government movement. #oneworldgovernment
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Today's Poem: Little Angels
When Elohim calls little children
to dwell with Him above
We mortals sometime question
the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares
with the death of one small child.
Who does so much to make our world
seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps Elohim tires of calling
the aged to His fold
So He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
Elohim knows how much we need them,
and so He takes but few
To make the land of heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult,
still somehow we must try
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Good-bye".
So when a child departs,
we who are left behind must realize
Elohim loves children...
Angels are hard to find
Have mercy upon us, O YAHVEH and again have mercy upon us; who, at all times and in every hour, in heaven and on earth, is worshiped and glorified. HaMashiach our good Adonai, the long-suffering, exceedingly merciful and extremely compassionate one; who loves the righteous and is merciful to the sinners of whom I am chief; who does not wish the death of a sinner but rather wishes that he repent and live; who calls all to salvation through the promise of blessings to come. Adonai, accept our prayers at this hour and at every hour. Establish our way, and guide us to carry out your commandments. Sanctify our soul. Cleanse our body. Straighten our thoughts. Purify our intentions. Heal our sickness. Forgive our sins. Deliver us from every destructive grief, distress, and heartache. Surround us with Your Holy angels, who guide and guard within their camp, so we may attain the unity of faith and the knowledge of Your infinite and invisible glory. For You are the Blessed YAHVEH now and forever and from all ages to all ages. (James 5).
Adonai Eloheinu, You know our sorrow better than we know it ourselves. You know how easily our fearful soul entangles itself with untimely and self-made cares. We pray, Adonai: Let us clearly discern their inappropriateness and scorn them proudly, these busy self-made cares. But whatever care You do inflict upon us, let us receive it from Your hand with humility, and give us the strength to bear it. (1 Peter 5).
O Adonai Eloheinu Almighty, whose most blessed Son burst the bands of death and rose again for us: Grant for His sake that we may pass through the grave and gate of death to our joyful resurrection. And, that we may do so, make us while here on earth to rise from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness; that, being risen with HaMashiach, we may seek those things which are above, where HaMashiach is seated at the right hand of YAHVEH. May we set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth, and may our life be so hid with HaMashiach in YAHVEH now that when He, who is our life, shall appear, we may also appear with Him in glory; through the same, our only Adonai and Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach. (1 John 5).
Hear us, O never-failing light, Adonai our YAHVEH, the fountain of light, the light of Your angels, principalities, powers, and of all intelligent beings, who has created the light of Your saints. May our souls be lamps of Yours, kindled and illuminated by You. May they shine and burn with the truth and never go out in darkness and ashes. May the gloom of sins be cleared away and the lights of perpetual faith abide within us. (Revelation 1).
Glory to YAHVEH in the highest, and peace on earth to people of good will. We praise You, we bless You, we adore You, we glorify You, we give You thanks for Your great glory, O Adonai Elohim, heavenly King, YAHVEH the Father Almighty. O Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, only begotten Son, Adonai Eloheinu, Lamb of YAHVEH, Son of the Father: You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us. Adonai Yeshua, You take away the sins of the world. Receive our prayer. You sit at the right hand of the Father. Have mercy on us. For You alone are the Holy One. You alone are the Adonai. You alone are the Most High, Yeshua HaMashiach, with Ruach HaKodesh, in the glory of YAHVEH the Father. (Revelation 11).
May the strength of YAHVEH pilot us. May the power of YAHVEH preserve us. May the wisdom of YAHVEH instruct us. May the hand of YAHVEH protect us. May the way of YAHVEH direct us. May the shield of YAHVEH defend us. May the host of YAHVEH guard us against the snares of the evil one and the temptation of this world. May HaMashiach be with us, HaMashiach be before us, HaMashiach be in us, HaMashiach be over us. May Your salvation, Adonai, be always ours this day and evermore. (Revelation 22).
Brian T
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